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Tuesday 13 February 2007
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  ZAMBIA - Country Profile Updated: Feb 2005  

AIDS Programmes

National Strategic Framework

Completed (Period 2001-2003)

National policies
  • Draft National HIV/AIDS Policy.
  • National AIDS Council Bill passed by Parliament in December 2002.

Ministry of Health
Contact person: Dr Sinyinza/Mrs Chabinga
Lusaka, Zambia
Tel: +260 1 253 040 / +260 1 253 179
Fax: +260 1 254 625

National AIDS Council
Contact person: Dr R.M Musonda - Director General
P.O. Box 36718
Lusaka, Zambia
Tel: +260 1 255 044
Fax: +260 1 253 881

HIV/AIDS Organisations:

  1. Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
    Contact Person: Michele Broemmelsiek- Country Representative
    Box 38086
    Great East Rd,
    Plot 106, Rhodes Park
    Tel: +260 01 224126/31/35 +260 01 231976
    Fax: +260 01 224118/231977
    Email :
    · Food support to households that are both food insecure and affected by HIV AIDS; care of orphans and vulnerable children; home-based care programmes.

  2. Children in Distress - Kitwe Project, Zambia (CINDI)
    P.O. Box 21663
    Kitwe, Zambia
    Tel: +260 2 229 369
    Fax: +260 2 229 551

  3. Churches Medical Association of Zambia
    Contact person: Dr. Simon Mphuca
    P.O. Box 34511, Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 237 328
    Fax: +260 1 223 297
    Email: /
    · Counselling; testing; training; support; prevention programmes; orphan support; research.

  4. Family Health Trust
    Contact person: John Musanje
    P Bag 243, Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 223 589
    Fax: +260 1 222 834

  5. Homecare Services (HCS)
    Contact person: Amos Nota
    Plot 1419
    18 Mwalula Road North Mead
    Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 232 349 / +260 1 239 748
    · Homecare services; family planning; children's clinic; staff development and training.

  6. Kenneth Kaunda Children of Africa Foundation
    Kaunda Children of Africa Foundation
    Robert A Penney CEO Finance / Admin
    3447 Robinhood Road
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27106
    Tel: +336 499 1252 / +336 774 1700
    Mobile: +336 918 2336
    Fax: +336 774 1701

  7. Network of Zambian People Living with AIDS (NZP+)
    Contact person: Kunyima Lifumbela Banda
    P.O.Box 32717, Lusaka
    Tel: +260 01 256 991
    Fax: + 260 01 256 991
    · Counselling; training; education; information; awareness; support; advocacy.

    Contact person: Catherine Ndashe Phiri
    One World Africa
    P.O. Box 34571
    Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 232 773
    Fax: +260 1 221 921
    · Multimedia Web portal on issues relating to HIV/AIDS.

  9. Positive and Living Squad
    Contact person: Winstone Zulu
    P.O. Box 37559, Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 227 085/6
    Fax: +260 1 227 087

  10. Planned Parenthood Association Of Zambia (PPAZ)
    Contact person: Martina Shula Nondo
    P.O. Box 32221
    Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 228 164 / +260 1 228 178
    Fax: +260 1 228 165 / +260 1 228 165
    · Reproductive health; prevention; testing.

  11. Population Services International (PSI)
    39 Central Street
    Jesmondine, Lusaka
    Tel: +260 1 292 443
    Fax: +260 1 292 463
    Email: /
    · Uses social marketing to deliver health products, services and information that enable low-income and other vulnerable people to lead healthier lives.

  12. Project Concern International
    Contact person: Tom Ventimiglia
    P.O. Box 32320
    Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 256735-738
    · Promotion of multisectoral response to HIV; technical support to community-based organisations.

  13. Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT)
    Contact person: Judy Chikore (Head Office)
    P.O. Box 30630, Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 228 407
    Fax: +260 1 234 313
    · Supports community responses to HIV and AIDS through in-depth partnership, networking, skills exchange and lesson sharing in HIV prevention, HIV and AIDS care and support throughout the region.

  14. UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, Chair
    Mr Aeneas C Chuma
    UNDP Resident Representative/ UN Resident Coordinator
    P.O. Box 31966
    Lusaka 10101, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 251 195 / +260 1 250 800
    Dir: +260 1 254 417
    Fax: +260 1 251 201
    · Supports an expanded response and policy advice on preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS.

  15. UNAIDS Country Coordinator
    Contact person: Catherine Cozi
    CC: Mobolaji Olokodana
    P.O. Box 31966
    Lusaka 10101, Zambia
    Tel: +260 1 252 645
    Fax: +260 1 261 214
    Email: /
    · UNAIDS leads, strengthens and supports an expanded response aimed at preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS.

  16. United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Support Group for People Living with HIV/AIDS
    Tel: +260 1 228 502
    Fax: +260 1 758241 / +260 1 236 949

  17. Zambia AIDS Law Research and Advocacy Network (ZARAN)
    Contact Person: Diana Mambwe
    5th Floor CUSA House, Western Wing, Cairo Road (South End)
    P.O. Box 39088, Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel/Fax: +260 1 229 648

  18. Zambia Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS (ZBCA)
    Contact Person: Theresa Mumba - Office Manager
    Secretariat offices
    Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO)
    P.O. Box 31026
    Cairo Road
    Tel: +260 1 220 801/2
    Fax: +260 1 220 802

  19. Zambia National AIDS Network (ZNAN)
    Plot 7450,Katppola Road,
    Rhodes Park
    P.O. Box 32401,
    Tel: +01 25 6791 / 01 25 6792
    Fax: +01 025 6790
    · National Network facilitating research, exchange of information, access to resources, policy influence and advocacy, capacity building and providing technical assistance to its members, thus enhancing their capacities to mitigate the spread of HIV.
Country Indicators
Demographic data Year Estimate Source
Total population (thousands) 2004 10,924 UN population division database
Female population aged 15-24 (thousands) 2004 1188 UN population division database
Population aged 15-49 (thousands) 2004 4829 UN population division database
Annual population growth rate (%) 1992-2002 2.1 UN population division database
% of urban population 2003 35.8 UN population division database
Average annual growth rate of urban population 2000-2005 1.93 UN population division database
Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 pop.) 2004 41.7 UN population division database
Crude death rate (deaths per 1,000 pop.) 28 UN population division database
Maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births) 2000 750 WHO (WHR2004)/UNICEF
Life expectancy at birth (years) 2002 39.7 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Total fertility rate 2002 5.7 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 2000 111 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 2000 185 World Health Report 2004, WHO
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications
Socio-economic data Year Estimate Source
Gross national income, ppp, per capita (Int.$) 2002 770 UN population division database
Gross domestic product, per capita % growth 2001-2002 1.3 World Bank
Per capita total expenditure on health (Int.$) 2001 52 World Health Report 2004, WHO
General government expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health 2001 53.1 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Total adult illiteracy rate 2000 21.8 UNESCO
Adult male illiteracy rate 2000 14.8 UNESCO
Adult female illiteracy rate 2000 28.5 UNESCO
Gross primary school enrolment ratio, male 2000/2001 80 UNESCO
Gross primary school enrolment ratio, female 1995 76 UNESCO
Gross secondary school enrolment ratio, male 1994 26 UNESCO
Gross secondary school enrolment ratio, female 1994 21 UNESCO
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications

Source: WHO/UNAIDS epidemiological fact sheets on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2004 Update.
Epidemiological Fact Sheet
Estimated number of adults and children living with HIV/AIDS, end of 2003
These estimates include all people with HIV infection, whether or not they have developed symptoms of AIDS, alive at the end of 2003:
Adults and children 920,000  
Adults (15-49) 830,000 Adult rate(%) 16.5
Women (15-49) 470,000  
Children (0-15) 85,000  
Estimated number of deaths due to AIDS
Estimated number of adults and children who died of AIDS during 2003:
Deaths in 2003 89,000  
Estimated number of orphans
Estimated number of children who have lost their mother or father or both parents to AIDS and who were alive and under age 17 at the end of 2003:
Current living orphans 630,000  

Assessment of the epidemiological situation (2004)

HIV seroprevalence information among antenatal clinic attendees is available since the mid-1980s from Zambia. Lusaka and Ndola are the major urban areas. HIV prevalence among antenatal women tested in the major urban areas increased from 5 percent in 1985 to 27 percent in 1992 and remained at that level through 2002. HIV prevalence among antenatal clinic women outside the major urban centers remained stable at 13 to 14 percent since 1993 until 2002. HIV prevalence ranged from 6 percent to 32 percent of women tested in 19 sites in 2002.

The limited data on sex workers come from Ndola and pertain to 1997-1998. Sixty-nine percent of sex workers tested were HIV positive.

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