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Monday 6 February 2006
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   BURUNDI - Country Profile Updated: Feb 2005  

AIDS Programmes

National Policy

Existence of a specific national HIV/AIDS legislation. Guiding principles and strategies included in National Strategic Framework. Government support includes commitment from the President and key ministries; cancellation of taxes on essential drugs; HIV/AIDS fund; negotiation with pharmaceutical companies and the National AIDS Council is chaired by the President.

For more information on Burundi's response to HIV/AIDS:

Ministry of Health
Bujumbura, Burundi
Tel: +257 24 6265
Fax: +257 24 4758

Conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA (CNLS)
Contact person: Dr Etienne Karita
B.P. 2717, Kigali
Tel: +250 78 471/72
Fax: +250 78 473

HIV/AIDS Organisations:

  1. Association Nationale de Soutien Aux Seropositifs et Sideens du Burundi (ANSS)
    Contact person: Ms Gapegapi’Ajealle Niyonzima
    28 Avenue Moso Rohero II
    B.P. 4152 Bujumbura
    Tel: +257 21 5977
    Fax: +257 24 1501
    · Prevention and awareness; voluntary testing and counselling; medical and psychosocial care; advocacy and lobbying; drop-in centre.

  2. Famille pour Vaincre le Sida
    Contact person: Spes Nihangaza
    B.P. 1797 Bujumbura
    Tel: +257 21 4621
    Fax: +257 21 7545
    · Prevention education aimed at young people and couples; awareness sessions; training of community workers; production of education material; care of orphans; support for families.

  3. World Vision Burundi
    Contact person: Maereg Tafere
    111 Boulevard Uprona Bujumbura
    B.P. 1606 Bujumbura
    Tel: +257 21 5669
    Fax: +257 21 8234
    · Prevention; care of orphans; partnerships with faith-based organisations.

  4. Society of Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA) - Burundi
    Contact person: Seconde Nsabimana
    B.P. 1934 Bujumbura
    Tel: +257 21 1432 / +257 21 7952
    Fax: +257 22 4422 / +257 21 7952

  5. UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, Chair
    Contact person: UNICEF Representative
    Boulevard de l’Uprona
    B.P. 1650 Bujumbura
    Tel: +257 22 2194 / +257 22 6888
    Fax: +257 22 5190

  6. UNAIDS Country Programme Adviser
    Contact person: Dr Gastron Lograin
    Place de l’Indépendance 1
    Building Old East, 1er étage
    B.P. 1490 Bujumbura
    Tel: +257 24 4824
    Fax: +257 22 9581
    Mobile: +257 98 6976
Country Indicators
Demographic data Year Estimate Source
Total population (thousands) 2004 7,068 UN population division database
Female population aged 15-24 (thousands) 2004 808 UN population division database
Population aged 15-49 (thousands) 2004 3252 UN population division database
Annual population growth rate (%) 1992-2002 1.3 UN population division database
% of urban population 2003 9.8 UN population division database
Average annual growth rate of urban population 2000-2005 6.5 UN population division database
Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 pop.) 2004 44.9 UN population division database
Crude death rate (deaths per 1,000 pop.) 20.2 UN population division database
Maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births) 2000 1000 WHO (WHR2004)/UNICEF
Life expectancy at birth (years) 2002 40.8 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Total fertility rate 2002 6.8 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 2000 116 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 2000 190 World Health Report 2004, WHO
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications
Socio-economic data Year Estimate Source
Gross national income, ppp, per capita (Int.$) 2002 610 UN population division database
Gross domestic product, per capita % growth 2001-2002 1.7 World Bank
Per capita total expenditure on health (Int.$) 2001 19 World Health Report 2004, WHO
General government expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health 2001 59 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Total adult illiteracy rate 2000 52 UNESCO
Adult male illiteracy rate 2000 43.9 UNESCO
Adult female illiteracy rate 2000 59.6 UNESCO
Gross primary school enrolment ratio, male 2000/2001 73 UNESCO
Gross primary school enrolment ratio, female 1995 58 UNESCO
Gross secondary school enrolment ratio, male 1993 12 UNESCO
Gross secondary school enrolment ratio, female 1993 9 UNESCO
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications

Source: WHO/UNAIDS epidemiological fact sheets on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2004 Update.
Epidemiological Fact Sheet
Estimated number of adults and children living with HIV/AIDS, end of 2003
These estimates include all people with HIV infection, whether or not they have developed symptoms of AIDS, alive at the end of 2003:
Adults and children 250,000  
Adults (15-49) 220,000 Adult rate(%) 6.0
Women (15-49) 130,000  
Children (0-15) 27,000  
Estimated number of deaths due to AIDS
Estimated number of adults and children who died of AIDS during 2003:
Deaths in 2003 25,000  
Estimated number of orphans
Estimated number of children who have lost their mother or father or both parents to AIDS and who were alive and under age 17 at the end of 2003:
Current living orphans 200,000  

Assessment of the epidemiological situation (2004)

Information on HIV seroprevalence among antenatal clinic attendees is available since 1986 from Burundi.

From 1985-87 to 1997, HIV seroprevalence among antenatal women increased from 14.7% to 27.7% in Bujumbura, then decreased 19.8% in 1998, 15.9% in 1999, and to 14% and 16% in 2000 and 2001. The HIV prevalence declined from 20.9% in 1991, to 17.3% in 1995, and 9.8% in 2001 among young women aged 15-24 years in urban ANC sites.

In 2002, a national survey showed HIV prevalence in the general population at 5.4%. HIV prevalence rates in the urban, semi-urban and rural areas were 9.4%, 10.5% and 2.5% respectively. In a national survey in 1989, the HIV prevalence rate for urban areas was 11.0% while that for rural areas was 0.7%. The 2002 survey found that women in urban areas were more likely to be infected with HIV than men; 13.0% versus 5.5%, while approximately the same proportion of women and men in rural areas were infected: 2.9% women and 2.1% men.

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