MOZAMBIQUE - Country Profile |
Updated: Feb 2005 |
National Strategic Framework
Completed for 2001-2003 (and may be updated in 2003)
National policies
- Policy on ARV treatment, (currently being finalised)
- PMTCT (currently being finalised)
- Home-based care (currently being finalised)
- Law on discrimination in the workplace passed in November 2001.
Ministry of Health
National STD/AIDS Control Programme (PNC DTS/SIDA)
Contact person: Mouzinho Saide
Tel: +258 1 421 095 / +258 1 431 305 / +258 1 430 970
Fax: +258 1 430 970 / +258 1 431 305
- Statutory programme; prevention; advice; support; information.
National Council for AIDS
Mrs Joana Mangueira, Executive Secretary ()
Mr Diogo Milagre, Deputy Executive Secretary ()
C.P. 106/114, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 495 396 / 495 604 / 495 605
Fax: +258 1 495 395
- Coordinates and monitors an expanded national multisectoral response to HIV/AIDS.
HIV/AIDS Organisations:
Contact person: Ana Novoa / Ricardo Barradas
P.O. Box 1253, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 497 252
Cel: +258 82 470 481
- Preferable
· Publishes newsletter "Acção SIDA" in Portuguese, for health professionals and distributed in all Portuguese-speaking African countries (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Principe).
- ACTIONAID - Mozambique
Comandate Joao Belo road 208,
Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258-21-314342
Fax: +258-21-498751
· Technical and financial support to help national NGOs and communities to develop their capacities to respond to HIV/AIDS; promoting the participation and the leadership of HIV+ people.
- Associação Moçambicana para o Desenvolvimento da Família (AMODEFA)
Contact person: Maria dos Anjos Machonisse
Caixa postal n° 1535, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 405 109
Fax: +258 1 405 149
· Development of family planning projects; prevention of STD/HIV; sexual education for young people; works in the provinces of Maputo, Gaza and Zambezia.
- Direção de Saude da Cidade de Maputo
Contact person: Amelia Cunha
Av. Maguiguana 1240, 3o Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 420 033
· Education project for HIV/STD prevention aimed at sex workers and their clients; medical treatment of STDs; education activities in prevention; promotion and distribution of condoms; development of prevention projects in the community.
- Journalist Association Against AIDS (AJAIDS)
Tel: +258 1 405 107 / +258 1 402 167
Fax: +258 1 430 951
· Advocacy; information; training programmes; conferences for HIV/AIDS and media.
- Kindlimuka - Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS
Contact person: Arlindo Fernandes / Mr Julio Mujojo
Rua Resistencia 630 Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 422 651 / +258 1 322 651
Fax: +258 1 322 651
· Support groups; information; training programmes; conferences, networking.
- Kubatsirana
Contact person: Faustino Manuel
C.P. 45 Chimoio, Manica Province, Mozambique
Tel: +258 5 124 738
· Care and support, development of counselling activities; advocacy and income raising activities.
- Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organization (MONASO)
Contact person: Ana David
Comandante Augusto Cardoso, 345
Tel: +258 1 325 260
Fax: +258 1 325 256
Email: / /
· National network facilitating research, exchange of information, access to resources, policy influence and advocacy, capacity building and providing technical assistance to its members, thus enhancing their capacities to mitigate the spread of HIV.
- Muluede (Associação Mulher.Lei. Desenvolvimento)
Contact person: Guithermida Milice
Av Paulo Samuel Kankmba 2150
Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 425 580
Fax: +258 1 425 580
· Prevention programmes against STD/HIV/AIDS; works in 10 districts of Maputo.
- Population Services International (PSI)
Avenida Lucas Elias Kumalo, #33
Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 485 025/ 026/ 027/ and 028
Fax: +258 1 485 029
· Uses social marketing to deliver health products, services and information that enable low-income and other vulnerable people to lead healthier lives.
- Southern African AIDS Training Programme (SAT)
Contact person: Gabriel de Barros, Country Programme Officer
Av. Agostinho Neto, No. 1112, R / C Dto, C. P. 1593
Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 306 163 / +258 1 306 304
Fax: +258 1 302 976
Email: /
· Programme for communities living with the double stigma of AIDS and poverty; gives financial support to project developing, technical assistance in project management and institutional support through sustainable local mechanisms; it also includes local and community support against AIDS.
- University Group of Activists on HIV/AIDS (GASD)
Tel: +258 1 423 061/3
Fax: +258 1 300 318
· Research; development of counselling activities; advocacy.
- UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, Chair
Contact person: Mr Bokar Toure
WHO Representative
P.O. Box 377, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 491 991 / +258 1 492 732
· Supports an expanded response and policy advice on preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS.
- UNAIDS Country Programme Coordinator
Contact person: Ms Telva Barros
P.O. Box 4595
Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 1 491775
Fax: +258 1 492345
Mobile: +258 82 314 559
· UNAIDS leads, strengthens and supports an expanded response aimed at preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS.
Country Indicators |
Demographic data |
Year |
Estimate |
Source |
Total population (thousands) |
2004 |
19,182 |
UN population division database |
Female population aged 15-24 (thousands) |
2004 |
1946 |
UN population division database |
Population aged 15-49 (thousands) |
2004 |
8844 |
UN population division database |
Annual population growth rate (%) |
1992-2002 |
2.6 |
UN population division database |
% of urban population |
2003 |
35 |
UN population division database |
Average annual growth rate of urban population |
2000-2005 |
5.09 |
UN population division database |
Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 pop.) |
2004 |
40.5 |
UN population division database |
Crude death rate (deaths per 1,000 pop.) |
23.8 |
UN population division database |
Maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births) |
2000 |
1000 |
Life expectancy at birth (years) |
2002 |
42.6 |
World Health Report 2004, WHO |
Total fertility rate |
2002 |
5.7 |
World Health Report 2004, WHO |
Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) |
2000 |
146 |
World Health Report 2004, WHO |
Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) |
2000 |
206 |
World Health Report 2004, WHO |
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications
Socio-economic data |
Year |
Estimate |
Source |
Gross national income, ppp, per capita (Int.$) |
UN population division database |
Gross domestic product, per capita % growth |
2001-2002 |
7.7 |
World Bank |
Per capita total expenditure on health (Int.$) |
2001 |
47 |
World Health Report 2004, WHO |
General government expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health |
2001 |
67.4 |
World Health Report 2004, WHO |
Total adult illiteracy rate |
2000 |
56 |
Adult male illiteracy rate |
2000 |
40 |
Adult female illiteracy rate |
2000 |
71.3 |
Gross primary school enrolment ratio, male |
2000/2001 |
104 |
Gross primary school enrolment ratio, female |
1995 |
79 |
Gross secondary school enrolment ratio, male |
1995 |
14 |
Gross secondary school enrolment ratio, female |
1995 |
9 |
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications
Source: WHO/UNAIDS epidemiological fact sheets on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2004 Update.
Epidemiological Fact Sheet |
Estimated number of adults and children living with HIV/AIDS, end of 2003 |
These estimates include all people with HIV infection, whether or not they have developed symptoms of AIDS, alive at the end of 2003: |
Adults and children |
1,300,000 |
Adults (15-49) |
1,200,000 |
Adult rate(%) 12.2 |
Women (15-49) |
670,000 |
Children (0-15) |
99,000 |
Estimated number of deaths due to AIDS |
Estimated number of adults and children who died of AIDS during 2003: |
Deaths in 2003 |
110,000 |
Estimated number of orphans |
Estimated number of children who have lost their mother or father or both parents to AIDS and who were alive and under age 17 at the end of 2003: |
Current living orphans |
470,000 |
Assessment of the epidemiological situation (2004)
HIV sentinel surveillance of antenatal clinic attendees began in Maputo, the capital and major urban area, in 1988. In 1992 it was established in 5 sites in provincial towns and then was expanded in 2001-2002 to include 36 sites distributed throught all of the 11 provinces. HIV prevalence increased from less than 1 percent in 1988 to 18 percent in 2002 among antenatal clinic attendees tested in Maputo City. Outside of Maputo City, 12.3 percent of antenatal clinic attendees tested were HIV positive. Among women aged 15-24 years attending antenatal clinics, 15 percent in Maputo City were HIV positive and 12 percent in the other sites were HIV positive. There is no information available on HIV prevalence among sex workers in Mozambique.
Between 1987 and 1997, HIV prevalence among male STD clinic patients tested in Maputo increased from 3 to 19 percent. Among female STD clinic patients tested in Maputo, HIV prevalence increased from 5 percent in 1993 to 8 percent in 1997. In 1999, 15 percent of STD clinic patients tested in Maputo were HIV positive. Outside of Maputo, in 1997, HIV prevalence among both male and female STD clinic patients tested was similar, around 26 to 27 percent. In 1999, HIV prevalence among STD clinic patients ranged from 22 percent in Beira to 50 percent in Chimoio.
In 1987, 4 percent of military personnel tested in Tete were infected. Testing three years later, in 1990, found 4 percent of military personnel infected in Pemba.