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  BOTSWANA - Country Profile Updated: Feb 2005  

AIDS Programmes

National Strategic Framework

New Plan, National Strategic Framework 2003-2009 in place.

National policies
  • 1993 HIV/AIDS policy established roles of Ministry of Health and other departments. The policy was revised in 1998 to incorporate the multisectoral approach to HIV/AIDS.
  • HIV/AIDS policies in the military and workplace.
  • National Antiretroviral Therapy Programme.

Ministry of Health:

Contact person: E. Koko
Private Bag 00451
Tel: +267 391 2492 / +267 397 4104
Email: /

National AIDS Coordinating Agency
Dr A.B Khan
Private Bag 00463, Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: +267 390 3188
Fax: +267 371 0312

HIV/AIDS Organisations:

  1. African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnership (ACHAP)
    Contact person: Mr Brad Ryder
    Private Bag X033, Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 393 3842
    Fax: +267 393 3507
    CC: (Communications Officer)
    · A collaborative effort between the government, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and The Merck Company Foundation/Merck & Co., Inc., to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS in Botswana.

  2. Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership
    Contact person: Ms Ria Madison - Project Administrator
    Private Bag BO 320, Bontleng
    Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 390 2671
    Fax: +297 390 1284
    Email: /
    CC: Michelle (Communications Officer)
    · HIV research and education; training; reference laboratory; clinical studies.

  3. Botswana Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (BONEPWA)
    Contact person: Mr David Ngele - National Coordinator
    P.O. Box 1599, Mogoditshane, Botswana
    Tel: +267 390 6224
    Fax: +267 390 6224
    · Advocacy/lobbing; networking; capacity building of support groups and members for sustainable development and income generation; care; support and prevention activities; treatment information.

  4. Botswana Networks of AIDS Service Organisations (BONASO)
    Contact person: Mr Daniel Motsatsing
    P.O. Box 3219, Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 390 8490 / +267 317 0582
    Mobile: +267 716 00 194
    Fax: +267 390 8436
    · National network facilitating research; information exchange; access to resources; policy influence and advocacy; capacity building and providing technical assistance to its members, thus enhancing their capacities to mitigate the spread of HIV.

  5. Botswana Christian AIDS Intervention Programme (BOCAIP)
    Contact Person: Jane Munene - Communications Officer
    P.O. Box 601963,
    Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 395 7693
    Fax: +267 391 6454
    Email: /
    · To increase capacity for HIV/AIDS counselling and testing throughout the country.

  6. Botswana Red Cross Society
    Contact person: Tshegofabo Phaphe - AIDS Programme Coordinator
    P.O. Box 485,
    Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 395 2465
    Fax: +267 391 2352
    · Support; advice; training on HIV/AIDS mitigation, prevention, care and support.

  7. Community Solutions Association (COMSO)
    Contact person: Koketso Rantona
    Plot 425, Mokgosi Close
    Extension 4
    Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 351 660
    Fax: +267 351 660
    · Prevention; care; support; sexual and reproductive health education.

  8. Coping Centre for People Living with HIV/AIDS (COCEPWA)
    Contact person: Helen Ditsebe-Mohone / Regina Lesole
    P.O. Box 50349, Gabarone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 393 7159 / +267 598 4158
    Fax: +267 393 7159
    Email: /
    · Provides community-based social support for people living with HIV/AIDS, mobilising them to become more involved in prevention and care initiatives and helping to destigmatise the disease.

  9. Metlhaetsile Women's Information Centre
    Contact person: Monica Tabengwa
    Private Bag 42
    Mochudi, Botswana
    Tel: +267 397 7618/239
    Fax: +267 397 7195
    · Advocacy/rights; counselling; resource centre; legal aid; education.

  10. MASA - The National Antiretroviral Therapy Programme of Botswana
    Contact person: Mrs T.S Mphele - IEC Specialist.
    Private Bag 0038, Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 393 4380
    Fax: +267 393 4381
    · Botswana has become the first African country to provide free antiretroviral therapy to its citizens on a national scale through the public health service.

  11. Pan African Christian HIV/AIDS Network (PACANet)
    Suite 261, Postnet Main Mall
    Private Bag 00149
    Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 395 7691 / +267 395 7693
    Fax: +267 395 7693
    Email: /
    · Links churches, Christian organisations, and Christian networks to enhance their HIV/AIDS responses by sharing resources, ideas, skills, experiences, and stimulating strategic partnerships.

  12. Population Services International (PSI)
    Contact Person: Ludo Letebele
    Private Bag 00465
    Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 318 5029
    Fax: +267 392 3892
    Email: /
    · PSI uses social marketing to deliver health products, services and information that enables low-income and other vulnerable people to lead healthier lives.

  13. Tebelopele Voluntary Testing and Counselling Centre
    Contact person: Ronald Molosiwa
    P.O. Box 90, Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 391 4023
    Fax: +267 570 487
    · Provides voluntary counselling and testing services.

  14. Health Promotion International
    Contact person: Michelle Schaan - Managing Director
    Plot 1836/005 Hospital Way
    P.O. Box 26372
    Game City, Gaborone
    Tel: +267 390 8180
    Mobile: +267 7219 8036

  15. UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, Chair
    Contact person: Mr Gordon Jonathan Lewis
    UNICEF Representative
    P.O. Box 20678, Khama Crescent
    Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 395 1909 / +267 395 2752
    Fax: +267 395 1233
    Mobile: +267 713 00 713
    · Supports an expanded response and policy advice on preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS.

  16. UNAIDS Country Programme Adviser
    Contact person: Dr. Kwame Ampomah
    P.O. Box 54, Khama Crescent
    Gaborone, Botswana
    Tel: +267 395 2121
    Fax: +267 393 1243
    Mobile: +267 721 2124
    · UNAIDS, leads, strengthens and supports an expanded response aimed at preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS.
Country Indicators
Demographic data Year Estimate Source
Total population (thousands) 2004 1,795 UN population division database
Female population aged 15-24 (thousands) 2004 206 UN population division database
Population aged 15-49 (thousands) 2004 910 UN population division database
Annual population growth rate (%) 1992-2002 2.1 UN population division database
% of urban population 2003 51.3 UN population division database
Average annual growth rate of urban population 2000-2005 1.77 UN population division database
Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 pop.) 2004 29.7 UN population division database
Crude death rate (deaths per 1,000 pop.) 24.7 UN population division database
Maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births) 2000 100 WHO (WHR2004)/UNICEF
Life expectancy at birth (years) 2002 40.4 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Total fertility rate 2002 3.7 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 2000 60 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 2000 93 World Health Report 2004, WHO
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications
Socio-economic data Year Estimate Source
Gross national income, ppp, per capita (Int.$) 2002 7770 UN population division database
Gross domestic product, per capita % growth 2001-2002 2.5 World Bank
Per capita total expenditure on health (Int.$) 2001 381 World Health Report 2004, WHO
General government expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health 2001 66.2 World Health Report 2004, WHO
Total adult illiteracy rate 2000 22.8 UNESCO
Adult male illiteracy rate 2000 25.5 UNESCO
Adult female illiteracy rate 2000 20.2 UNESCO
Gross primary school enrolment ratio, male 2000/2001 108 UNESCO
Gross primary school enrolment ratio, female 1996 108 UNESCO
Gross secondary school enrolment ratio, male 1996 77 UNESCO
Gross secondary school enrolment ratio, female 1996 82 UNESCO
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications

Source: WHO/UNAIDS epidemiological fact sheets on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2004 Update.
Epidemiological Fact Sheet
Estimated number of adults and children living with HIV/AIDS, end of 2003
These estimates include all people with HIV infection, whether or not they have developed symptoms of AIDS, alive at the end of 2003:
Adults and children 350,000  
Adults (15-49) 330,000 Adult rate(%) 37.3
Women (15-49) 190,000  
Children (0-15) 25,000  
Estimated number of deaths due to AIDS
Estimated number of adults and children who died of AIDS during 2003:
Deaths in 2003 33,000  
Estimated number of orphans
Estimated number of children who have lost their mother or father or both parents to AIDS and who were alive and under age 17 at the end of 2003:
Current living orphans 120,000  

Assessment of the epidemiological situation (2004)

HIV sentinel surveillance among ANC attendees began in Botswana in 1990. Initially, surveys were conducted annually in Gabarone and Francistown and biannually at other sites.
In 2000, the surveillance protocol was revised so as to conduct sentinel surveillance among women attending antenatal care clinics once a year and include at least one antenatal care clinic from each of the 22 health districts.
In 2002, the median HIV prevalence in women attending antenatal care clinics for all 22 districts was very high (35.4%). There was little difference between the major urban areas (the capital city Gaborone, Francistown and Selebi/Phikwe), other urban areas and the 12 rural districts. Only one district, Ganzi in the Kalahari, had a HIV prevalence of <25% (18.8%), while prevalence was highest in Selebi/Phikwe, where nearly half of all pregnant women were infected (48.1%).

HIV prevalence has been >30% at most antenatal care clinics since the mid 1990s. Comparison of prevalence in the 22 districts between 2001 and 2002 shows that there was a decrease in 13 districts, an increase in eight districts and no change in one district. HIV infection trends in Gaborone and Francistown are illustrated in Figure 3. During the past five years, HIV prevalence levels have remained at around 40%.

HIV prevalence among ANC attendees in Botswana increased rapidly from 18.1% in 1992 to 32.4% in 1995, 38.5% in 2000 and 36.3% in 2001.
In Gabarone, HIV prevalence increased from 14.9% in 1992 to 39.1% in 2001 while in Francistown the increase was from 23.7% in 1992 to 44.9% in 2001. In Selebi-Phikwe, HIV prevalence doubled from 27% in 1994 to 55.6% in 2001.

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