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KENYA: Outrage as minister suggests isolating HIV-positive people
31 January 2011 (PlusNews ), AIDS activists are demanding a full apology from a Kenyan cabinet minister who recently suggested that isolating HIV-positive people may be the way to eradicate the pandemic.
HIV/AIDS: Falling foul of the Fund
31 January 2011 (PlusNews ), A recent flurry of news reports on fraud in grants made by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has thrown the spotlight on the extent to which graft in recipient countries plagues the funding body.
HIV/AIDS: Five countries to watch in 2011
28 January 2011 (PlusNews ), Things are generally more positive on the global HIV front: the number of new infections is down, treatment figures are up and headway is being made in the fight to end discrimination against people living with HIV.
UGANDA: Murder of gay activist "needs urgent investigation"
27 January 2011 (PlusNews ), Gay Ugandans say they are living in fear after the murder of David Kato, a prominent gay activist who opposed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill submitted to parliament in 2009.
ZAMBIA: Better health comes in containers
26 January 2011 (PlusNews ), New technologies are helping Zambia make the most of its scarce health workers and laboratories in the fight against tuberculosis (TB), and showing that there may be more to a container than meets the eye.
ZIMBABWE: Elizabeth Matambanadzo, "I was shocked at the HIV-positive result because I had never had sex"
24 January 2011 (PlusNews ), At first Elizabeth Matambanadzo, 18, did not think she was cut out to be part of a group of young people helping to take care of the sick and elderly. Now, months after joining Family Caring Trust (FACT) in Nyanga in Manicaland Province, she says helping others living with HIV has helped her to come to terms with her own HIV-positive status.
KENYA: Catholics divided over Pope's condom comments
21 January 2011 (PlusNews ), Following the Pope's comments in a 2010 book to the effect that condom use may be permissible by HIV-positive sex workers to prevent HIV infection, many Roman Catholic Kenyans have found themselves at odds with their church leaders, who have retained their firm stance against condom use.
MALAWI: Better paediatric HIV services reduce infections
20 January 2011 (PlusNews ), More mothers and pregnant women in Malawi are attending antenatal clinics since the increased training of health workers in paediatric HIV care improved services to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, and paediatric HIV testing and treatment.
KENYA: Caring for the care-givers
19 January 2011 (PlusNews ), Raising young children was not part of 65-year-old Angeline Abuga's retirement plan, but after her son and daughter-in-law died from HIV-related complications four years ago, she found herself the sole carer for their five children.
UGANDA: Desperately seeking condoms in the north
18 January 2011 (PlusNews ), For the third month running, men and women seeking condoms at local health centres in some northern Ugandan districts have found empty dispensers. Health workers warn that the continuing shortage could affect regional HIV prevention efforts.
ETHIOPIA: Transport sector launches HIV policy
17 January 2011 (PlusNews ), The Ethiopian government has unveiled an HIV policy for its transport sector, which has grown significantly in recent years alongside the rapidly expanding road network.
KENYA: Contraception concerns for HIV discordant couples
13 January 2011 (PlusNews ), Cheating spouses have always caused problems for their marriages; in Kenya, a growing issue raised by extramarital sex is the phenomenon of HIV discordance - where one spouse is HIV-positive and the other negative.
UGANDA: Muslim women back condoms for HIV prevention
12 January 2011 (PlusNews ), Some Muslim women in western Uganda are demanding that a new HIV prevention programme for Muslims include condom promotion, going against calls by local religious leaders for the programme to be limited to messages on faithfulness and abstinence.
ZAMBIA: Don’t ignore the children of sex workers
10 January 2011 (PlusNews ), At an increased risk of HIV and often unable to negotiate safe sex with clients, sex workers have been a major focus in HIV prevention and treatment. However, away from the streets and brothels, their children have been largely ignored.
EAST AFRICA: Sex workers enticed or forced into unprotected sex
10 January 2011 (PlusNews ), Sex workers operating in East Africa are generally aware of the HIV risks of unprotected sex, but for many of them, the extra cash incentive clients often offer for sex without a condom is worth the risk.
SWAZILAND: Thembi, "Even the children, they call a person with AIDS a `rotten potato’"
5 January 2011 (PlusNews ), Thembi (last name withheld) is a 33-year-old HIV-positive mother of three who has lived in rural poverty all her life. She lives alone with her children amid the low green hills of Swaziland's central Manzini region, while her husband is away working in South Africa.
INDONESIA: Sex, not drug users, causing most new HIV infections in Bali
3 January 2011 (PlusNews ), Bali's dramatic increase of HIV prevalence among sex workers has changed the face of the epidemic on this famed tourist destination of 3.9 million local residents, NGOs say.
SOUTH AFRICA: HIV stalls progress on MDGs
3 January 2011 (PlusNews ), The HIV/AIDS epidemic is severely hampering South Africa’s ability to achieve several Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
KENYA: HIV-positive kids get by with a little help from their friends
31 December 2010 (PlusNews ), When Yona, 12, went to live with his grandmother after his parents died several years ago, she told the neighbours he was HIV-positive, hoping he would get some sympathy. Instead, the boy found himself ridiculed and alienated from his playmates.
KENYA: Grace*, "I finally found the courage to ask, 'Are you gay’?”'
30 December 2010 (PlusNews ), Grace is an attractive brunette working in Nairobi. Until recently, she was dating Will, a stylish 20-something Kenyan. She told IRIN/PlusNews how the relationship broke down, leaving her with fears about HIV.

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