HIV/AIDS (PlusNews)

Doubts over door-to-door testing campaign

HARARE, 15 March 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Zimbabwe's ambitious plan to offer an HIV test to every household in the country is not yet under way but is already being met with scepticism by activists who feel this is not a priority for the country, especially with global HIV/AIDS funding on the decline. full report

HIV/AIDS: Book review - AIDS at 30: A History

KAMPALA, 14 March 2012 (PlusNews Global) - While tracking the progress and pitfalls of the global fight against HIV/AIDS, Victoria Harden shows in her book, AIDS at 30: A History, that understanding how we got here is key to charting the path to overcoming the pandemic. full report

SOUTH AFRICA: What the world's largest preventative TB study taught us

JOHANNESBURG, 13 March 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Even though the world's largest study of preventative tuberculosis therapy indicated that community-wide isoniazid preventative TB therapy (IPT) failed to lower community TB levels among 27,000 South African gold miners, that was not Thibela’s only result. We review some of the others over its seven years: full report

SOUTH AFRICA: Preventative TB trial disappoints

JOHANNESBURG, 9 March 2012 (PlusNews Global) - After seven years of research, the world's largest study of preventative tuberculosis (TB) therapy has found that untargeted, community-wide distribution of TB prevention drugs did not improve TB control on South African gold mines. full report

ETHIOPIA: Finding space for people with disabilities on HIV agenda

ADDIS ABABA, 8 March 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Ethiopians with disabilities say they have been largely excluded from the government's national HIV programmes and are unable to access services. full report

TANZANIA: New pharmaceutical plant to produce ARVs

DAR ES SALAAM, 6 March 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Commercial production of Tanzania's first locally manufactured antiretroviral drugs will start in the next few months; it is hoped the country will eventually provide medicines for half of all HIV-positive Tanzanians. full report

KENYA: Male circumcision programme suffers setback

KISUMU, 2 March 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Kenya's most recent male circumcision rapid results initiative failed to meet its target, and officials are stepping up efforts to identify and fix the problems that could foil the government's campaign to circumcise more than one million men by 2013. full report

HIV/AIDS: Hormonal contraception advice not reaching women

JOHANNESBURG, 1 March 2012 (PlusNews Global) - The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised women on injectable hormonal birth control to use condoms to prevent HIV infection in light of possible HIV risks associated with "the shot", but HIV organizations and activists say this has not been effectively communicated to women. full report

HIV/AIDS: Ten condom commandments

NAIROBI, 29 February 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Condoms are widely promoted as one of the most effective ways of preventing the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, but a recent study has found that incorrect use of condoms is common and affects their effectiveness. full report

KENYA: XDR-TB case raises questions

NAIROBI, 28 February 2012 (PlusNews Global) - The Kenyan government's recent failure to adequately treat a patient with extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) has some civil society organizations questioning whether the country's TB programme is equipped to diagnose and treat such patients. full report
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