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Sunday 24 October 2004
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Kenn Chaplin's "My journey with AIDS - day by day, year by year"

Kenn is 44 years old, HIV-positive and the AIDS Editor for AfricaFiles.
Hard to imagine, as the virus has taken him to death's door and back, but he has managed to dedicate most of his life and energy to tackling a number of HIV/AIDS-related and gay issues and has also done outstanding work on promoting my own Diary.

He says: "What began as a year-end letter to a dying friend in 1993 has now morphed into a blog. I hope that you will see that AIDS is just a part of my life here in Toronto, Canada. I have been a political agitator from the time I "came out" in 1981 and always somewhat of a spiritual seeker. I don't know if, or when, I would be as comfortable disclosing even general remarks about my sexual exploits as Hayden appears to be. Time will tell.

Log onto Kenn's blog for more on how he is coping with everyday issues surrounding HIV and AIDS.


Previous :: All Links ::
Diary Entries
Previously eyes-wide-shut on HIV and religion
Love, lies and disclosure
Black pot and blacker kettle
Things better left unsaid on the bus
Food for thought while waiting to die
Test results not all good
Diary speaks back
The truth about disclosure
Dangerous myths and damaged angels
Not the final countdown
Sticks and stones may break my bones
A spade is still a spade
Perceptions and deceptions
AIDS - fear, anger and personal acceptance

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