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Thursday 1 March 2007
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Kenn Chaplin's "My journey with AIDS - day by day, year by year"
Kenn is 44 years old, HIV-positive and the AIDS Editor for AfricaFiles.
Hard to imagine, as the virus has taken him to death's door and back, but he has managed to dedicate most of his life and energy to tackling a number of HIV/AIDS-related and gay issues and has also done outstanding work on promoting my own Diary.

He says: "What began as a year-end letter to a dying friend in 1993 has now morphed into a blog. I hope that you will see that AIDS is just a part of my life here in Toronto, Canada. I have been a political agitator from the time I "came out" in 1981 and always somewhat of a spiritual seeker. I don't know if, or when, I would be as comfortable disclosing even general remarks about my sexual exploits as Hayden appears to be. Time will tell.

Log onto Kenn's blog for more on how he is coping with everyday issues surrounding HIV and AIDS.
AfricaFiles is a network of volunteers committed to promoting human rights and economic justice in Africa and to relaying African perspectives and alternative analyses for viable human development.

The site features current reports on African events and issues drawn from a variety of sources. Visitors can also subscribe to one or more of 18 categories for free e-mail service.
The Positive Connection
An online dating service for people living with HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Law Project
The AIDS Law Project (ALP) at Wits University Centre for Applied Legal Studies in Johannesburg is an organisation that specialises in helping people living with HIV/AIDS deal with problems arising from discrimination.
Pride & Prejudice
Provides services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender and questioning youth 25 and under.
HIV i-Base
HIV treatment information for healthcare professionals and HIV-positive people.
This site is about empowering people living with HIV/AIDS through information, education and resources designed to increase our sense of community.
HIV Drug Interactions
List of Drug Interactions maintained by the University of Liverpool: full list of possible drugs and Herbal remedies that could affect HIV treatment.
This website was created predominantly as a source of information for people who are in a relationship where one partner has HIV or AIDS - commonly called a sero-discordant relationship. From personal experience we found that there was very little information and support available on the Internet - or anywhere else for that matter - that covers this often very difficult subject, and have attempted to do something to alter that.
:: More Resources ::
Diary Entries
HIV/AIDS Ownership: Erasing the sins of the father
Celebrity and HIV/AIDS: Limelight versus Social Responsibility
HIV/AIDS Coping Mechanisms: "What would a mayfly do?"
Beyond the Borders of HIV/AIDS Treatment Strategies
HIV/AIDS Feminisation: A new wine in an old bottle
Antiretrovirals - The Wind Beneath My Wings
The Mis-education of HIV/AIDS Clinicians
HIV Prevention 101: Ignoring the Church's views on condoms
Stigma and HIV/AIDS: lethal bedfellows
In remembrance of our women and children
Maids, madams and the "terrible thing"
Internet love and inter-related HIV-prejudice
Previously eyes-wide-shut on HIV and religion
Love, lies and disclosure
Black pot and blacker kettle
Things better left unsaid on the bus
Food for thought while waiting to die
Test results not all good

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