Aid Policy

New investment in point-of-care evaluation

WASHINGTON DC, 25 July 2012 (PlusNews Global) - International medicines financing mechanism UNITAID will invest more than US$140 million to evaluate point-of-care HIV diagnostic and monitoring technology in seven African countries. full report

HIV/AIDS: New ways to fund the fight

WASHINGTON DC, 25 July 2012 (PlusNews Global) - While global HIV funding has stayed flat in recent years, poorer countries have quietly been putting more of their own money into financing the HIV response. "Something very interesting has been happening" in Africa, Bernhard Schwartländer, director of strategy at UNAIDS told a plenary session at the 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington DC. full report

HIV/AIDS: Straight Talk with Mark Eldon-Edington, Global Fund director of country programmes

WASHINGTON DC, 24 July 2012 (PlusNews Global) - The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria is changing the way it does business, and the way it disburses money. In 2010, after allegations of fraud among fund recipients in Mali, Mauritania and Zambia, the Global Fund put together an independent, high-level panel to review its financial controls and how grant money is spent. The Fund is now implementing the panel's recommendations. full report

HIV/AIDS: "End of AIDS" in sight

WASHINGTON DC, 23 July 2012 (PlusNews Global) - There is no cure or vaccine yet, but "the end of AIDS" was the buzzword at the opening ceremony of the International AIDS Conference in Washington DC on 22 July. full report

INDONESIA: Condom controversy continues

JAKARTA, 20 July 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Rizki, 29, is wooing passers-by outside a bar in a red-light district near Jakarta, the Indonesian capital. In her five years as a commercial sex worker she has always urged clients to use a condom to avoid HIV infection. "About 70 percent of my customers use condoms," she said. "Some men get angry when I ask, but most comply." full report

HIV/AIDS: WHO issues guidelines on PrEP

NAIROBI/KAMPALA, 20 July 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Days after US officials gave unprecedented approval for the use of an antiretroviral drug by HIV-negative people to reduce the risk of their acquiring the HI virus, the World Health Organization has issued guidance to governments on so-called pre-exposure prophylaxis. full report

AFRICA: Domestic investment in HIV up but uneven

NAIROBI, 19 July 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Many sub-Saharan African nations - traditionally the beneficiaries of international HIV funding - are gradually increasing their financial contributions to the fight against the virus, boosting the number of people on treatment to record highs according to a new UNAIDS report, Together We Will End AIDS, released on 18 July. full report

UGANDA: A timeline of events affecting LGBTI

NAIROBI, 11 July 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Uganda has made international headlines in recent years for its strong anti-homosexuality stance, but health experts have warned that more must be done to include LGBTI in HIV prevention services. IRIN has put together a short timeline of key events in the struggle for their inclusion. full report

UGANDA: Money for 100,000 new ARV patients in the budget

KAMPALA, 19 June 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Uganda's Ministry of Health will enrol 100,000 more people infected with HIV on life-prolonging antiretroviral treatment in the 2012/13 financial year, Minister of Finance Maria Kiwanuka announced in her budget speech on 14 June. full report

BURUNDI: Government seeks funding for five-year HIV/AIDS plan

BUJUMBURA, 11 June 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Burundi is seeking US$349 million for its National Strategic Plan to fight HIV/AIDS over the next five years. full report
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