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Regional HIV Bill passed without criminalization clause

NAIROBI, 27 April 2012 (PlusNews) - East Africa's Legislative Assembly has passed a regional HIV/AIDS Bill that seeks to protect the rights of people living with HIV and harmonize regional legislation and policy on the prevention and treatment of HIV. full report

TANZANIA: New pharmaceutical plant to produce ARVs

DAR ES SALAAM, 6 March 2012 (PlusNews) - Commercial production of Tanzania's first locally manufactured antiretroviral drugs will start in the next few months; it is hoped the country will eventually provide medicines for half of all HIV-positive Tanzanians. full report

TANZANIA: Good results in programme to boost TB detection

ARUSHA, 1 February 2012 (PlusNews) - A pilot community programme to improve TB detection in northern Tanzania has shown good results and could be replicated nationwide as the country seeks to improve its TB treatment and prevention systems. full report

AFRICA: Snake oil salesmen and dodgy HIV "cures"

NAIROBI/JOHANNESBURG, 19 January 2012 (PlusNews) - Uganda's National Drug Authority recently arrested sales representatives of a company selling a drug that purports to cure HIV; the firm's owners are not licensed to sell medicine and are being sought by the police. full report

TANZANIA: Good progress in male circumcision campaign

DAR ES SALAAM, 18 January 2012 (PlusNews) - The demand for medical male circumcision is growing among Tanzania's non-circumcising communities, and officials say the country is on track to surpass its goal of reaching 2.8 million men by 2015. full report

TANZANIA: Government recalls faulty HIV test kits

DAR ES SALAAM, 6 January 2012 (PlusNews) - Tanzanian health authorities have announced the withdrawal of a South Korean HIV test kit from circulation following warnings about its poor quality. full report

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