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Government seeks funding for five-year HIV/AIDS plan

BUJUMBURA, 11 June 2012 (PlusNews) - Burundi is seeking US$349 million for its National Strategic Plan to fight HIV/AIDS over the next five years. full report

EAST AFRICA: Regional HIV Bill passed without criminalization clause

NAIROBI, 27 April 2012 (PlusNews) - East Africa's Legislative Assembly has passed a regional HIV/AIDS Bill that seeks to protect the rights of people living with HIV and harmonize regional legislation and policy on the prevention and treatment of HIV. full report

HIV/AIDS: Feeling the pinch

JOHANNESBURG/NAIROBI, 1 December 2011 (PlusNews) - Faced with the global economic downturn and less money from donors, national HIV programmes in East and Southern Africa - the region hardest hit by HIV/AIDS - are struggling to stay afloat. IRIN/PlusNews brings you a wrap of countries feeling the biggest pinch. full report

BURUNDI: Deaths reported as ARV shortage continues

BUJUMBURA, 5 September 2011 (PlusNews) - Burundian NGOs say at least 20 people have died as a national shortage of antiretroviral continues. full report

BURUNDI: A struggling PMTCT programme

BUJUMBURA, 12 August 2011 (PlusNews) - A shortage of health facilities and health workers, frequent drug shortages and a weak government policy mean HIV-positive pregnant women in Burundi often give birth without taking any precautions to prevent transmission of the virus to their children. full report

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