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 Wednesday 16 June 2010
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Country Profile: Gabon
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AIDS Programmes

National Strategic Framework: 2007-2011

HIV/AIDS Organisations

  Ministry of Health
Contact person: Tel: +241 763 611
Location: P.O. Box 50
Libreville, Gabon
+241 722 407
  +241 763 596
What we do:

  National Programme for the Fight Against AIDS and STIs– PNLS/IST
Contact person: Dr Gabriel Malonga-Mouelet, director Tel: +241 764 620
Location: BP 20449, Libreville Fax: +241 748 717
  Freephone: 1313
What we do:

  Association Gabonaise d'Assistance et Actions aux PVVIH (AGAAS)
Contact person: Sidonie Siaka, President Tel: +241 764 620
Location: BP 13138 AGAAS, Libreville
Estuaire, Gabon
+241 768 988
What we do: Awareness campaigns, including in schools and colleges ajd rural areas; orphan support.

 Sida Zero
Contact person: Tel:
Location: BP 13.736 Libreville, Gabon Fax:
What we do: Awareness and support to those living with HIV and their families

 UNAIDS Country Co-ordinator
Contact person: Away M. Faye Tel: +241 738 883
Location: Fax: +241 734 365
What we do:

 UN Theme Group Chair
Contact person: Makili Gassama, UNESCO Tel: +241 762 899
Location: Bâtiment n°6 – Cité de la Démocratie
BP 2183 Libreville
Mobile: +241 0751 7094
What we do:

Sources: - The Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
- The World Bank
- World Health Organization
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Country Profiles
- United Nations Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 2005. “World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision.” New York.
- The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

Treatment Map

HIV/AIDS Statistics and Information for 2005 (WHO, UNAIDS):
Adult HIV Prevalence Rate (%): 7.9%
No. Of People living with HIV/AIDS: 60,000
No. Of HIV Testing & Counseling Sites:
No. Of People in need of ART: 8,650
No. Of People 0-49 years On ART: n/a
No. Of Sites Reportedly Distributing ARVs: n/a
No. Of People on ART Public Sector: n/a
No. Of People on ART Private Sector: n/a
No. Of People on ART in Non Government Programmes: n/a
No. Of People Expected to be on ART (2006 End): n/a
Front Line Drug Regimen: n/a
*PMTCT Regimen: n/a

HIV/AIDS Fund Disbursements:
Total Funds Disbursed By The Global Fund as of Sept. 2006: US$11,007,734
Total Funds Disbursed By The World Bank Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Programme (MAP) as of Sept. 2006: nil
Total Funds Disbursed By PEPFAR During 2005 Fiscal Year: nil


Population: 1,384,000
Population aged 15-59: 744,000
Urban population: 1,178,000

Under 5 mortality per 1000 births: 95
Male life expectancy: 55 years
Female life expectancy: 59 years
Combined average life expectancy: 57 years
Combined average life expectancy 1975-1980: 52.8 years

Education (UNESCO, 2004):
Males with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: n/a
Females with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: n/a

Literacy rates (UNESCO, 2004):
Percentage of literate males aged 15 or older: n/a
Percentage of literate females aged 15 or older: n/a
Combined literacy rate for aged 15 or older: n/a
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