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 Wednesday 16 June 2010
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Country Profile: Egypt
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AIDS Programmes

National Strategic Framework: In draft form, not yet finalised at time of update, (Jan. 2007).

Situation Report (UNAIDS 2005):
While donor support to the national response increased slightly recently, it remains limited both in amount and in the diversity of national partners to which the funds are allocated. Overall national coordination of the response continues to take place mainly within the Expanded Theme Group on HIV/AIDS composed of national and international partners. A Country Coordinating Mechanism was created to oversee the Global Fund support to tuberculosis and plans are underway to ensure the Country Coordinating Mechanism also acts as the national coordinating body on HIV in the absence of such a body in Egypt to date.

The main challenges in Egypt’s response to HIV include ensuring multisectoral action by engaging non-health government sectors in one National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS along with civil society; strengthening HIV surveillance and monitoring and evaluation of the response; and scaling up overall prevention through expanded and more specific awareness and access to prevention tools including condoms. There remains a need to adapt existing data collection mechanisms and programmes to address the special vulnerability of girls and women.

Specific challenges include the following:
the appearance of Avian Flu and its expected spread is taking up governmental human and financial resources, making it difficult to advocate increased attention to HIV;

with the increase in the numbers of partners engaged in the HIV response the challenge of coordination becomes more pertinent. Efforts should be made to ensure that one strong national coordinating body on HIV is strengthened, that its representation is wide and that it works towards one agreed upon multisectoral plan on HIV and AIDS;

small-scale innovative pilot projects (such as outreach to injecting drug users) have proven effective in the recent past. Partners are now faced with the challenge of scaling up these initiatives; and

a large number of voluntary counselling and testing sites were created in 2005, but with limited usage. In 2006 there should be a shift from construction of voluntary counselling and testing sites to active promotion of their usage.

HIV/AIDS Organisations

  Ministry of Health and Population
Contact person: Tel: +20 2 794 0526
Location: 3 Magles El Shaab Street
Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +20 2 795 8097
What we do:

  Egyptian AIDS Society
Contact person: Tel: +20 3 480 1659
Location: P.O. Box 382 Sidi Gaber
Alexandra, Egypt
Fax: +20 3 480 1659
What we do:

  Alliance for Arab Women
Contact person: Tel: +20 2 393 9899
Location: 28 Adly Street, Apt. 74-75
Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +20 2 393 6020
What we do:

 Arab Women Solidarity Association
Contact person: Tel: +20 2 202 2279
Location: 14 Maahad Nasser Street/ Bldg. 1 Shoubra
Cairo 11241, Egypt
Fax: +20 2 203 5001
What we do:

 Centre for Women’s Rights
Contact person: Tel:
Location: 135 Misr Helwan El-Zerapy, 2nd floor
Suite 3, ElMaadi
Cairo, Egypt
What we do:

 National Council for Women
Contact person: Tel: +20 2 574 7758
Location: P.O. Box 11625
Cairo Egypt
Fax: +20 2 574 8138
What we do:

 Forum for Women in Development
Contact person: Tel: +20 2 574 3215
Location: 31A 26th of July Street, 5th Floor, Flat No. 251
Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +20 2 578 6298
  +20 2 579 8381
What we do:

 Progressive Federation of Women
Contact person: Tel: +20 2 347 6248
Location: 1 Karim El-Dawla Street, Talaat Harb Squairo
Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +20 2 578 6298
What we do:

 Population Council
Contact person:   Tel: +20 2 525 5965
Location: P.O. Box 168 Maadi
Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +20 2 525 5965
What we do:

Contact person: Dr Kozman Tel: +202 03 485 6915
Location: +202 03 480 6443
What we do: VCT, support groups etc.

Contact person: Tel: +20 2 526 5083
+20 2 526 5087
Location: 87 Misr Helwan Agricultural Road, Maadi
Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +20 2 526 4218
What we do:

 Family Health International
Contact person: Tel: +20 2 795 0939
Location: 9 Rostom Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 13, Garden City
Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +20 2 795 0888
What we do:

 North African Network of AIDS Service Organisations - NANASO
Contact person: Anouar Moalla, coordinator Tel: +216 71 872 847
Location: 42, rue Tahar Ben Brahim
1013 El Menzah
IXb Tunis, Tunisia
Fax: +216 70 860 509
What we do: Network of 5 HIV/AIDS national networks in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco & Tunisia. Its mission is to enhance the community response to HIV/AIDS in Northern Africa.

 Planned Parenthood Federation, Arab Regional Office
Contact person: Tel: +216 71 84 7344
+216 71 79 2833
Location: 2 Place Virgile, Notre Dame
Tunis 1082, Tunisia
Fax: +216 71 78 8661
+216 71 84 6552
What we do:

 ILO Sub-Regional Office for North Africa, Cairo
Contact person: Tel: +202 736 9290
+202 735 5176
Location: 9, Dr. Taha Hussein St. Zamalek
11211 Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +202 736 0889
+202 736 2358
What we do:

 UNAIDS Regional Support Offices, Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Contact person: Tel: +202 276 5257
Location: Nasr City Cairo
11371, Egypt
Fax: +202 276 5427
What we do:

 UNAIDS Focal Point
Contact person: Maha Aon Tel: +202 380 17 32
Location: Fax: +202 359 16 56
What we do:

 UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, Chair
Contact person: Erma Manoncourt, UNICEF Tel: +202 526 50 90
Location: 87, Misr Helwan Agriculture Road, Maadi, Cairo Fax: +202 526 42 18
What we do:

Treatment Map

Adult HIV Prevalence Rate (%) (May 2006): <0.1%
No. Of People living with HIV/AIDS (May 2006): 5,300
No. Of HIV Testing & Counselling Sites (Jan. 2007): 20 in the public sector including 6 mobile sites; 2 NGO-run sites with 2 more opening in 2007
No. Of People in need of ART: 1,300-2,000
No. Of People On ART (Jan. 2007): 200
No. Of Sites Reportedly Distributing ARVs (Jan. 2007): 1
No. Of People on ART Public Sector (Jan. 2007): 150
No. Of People on ART Private Sector (Jan. 2007): 50
No. Of People on ART in Non-Government Programmes
(Jan. 2007):
No. Of People Expected to be on ART: n/a
Front Line Drug Regimen (Jan. 2007): Locally produced Combivir (Lamividine and Zidovudine) and imported Veracept (Nelfivaver)
*PMTCT Regimen (Jan. 2007): Locally produced Nevirapine

HIV/AIDS Fund Disbursements:
Total Funds Disbursed By The Global Fund as of February 2006: US$2,480,219
Total Funds Disbursed By The World Bank Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Programme (MAP): not applicable
Total Funds Planned to be Disbursed By PEPFAR During 2006 Fiscal Year: none

Sources: UNAIDS, WHO


Demographics (United Nations Population Fund/ Human Development Report, 2006):
Population: 75.4 million
Urban population: 43 percent

Under 5 mortality per 1000 births: 35
Male life expectancy: 68.5 years
Female life expectancy: 73 years
Combined average life expectancy: 70.75 years
Combined average life expectancy 1975-1980: approx. 52.1 years

Education (UNESCO, 2004):
Males with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: 90 percent
Females with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: 84 percent

Literacy rates (UNESCO, 2004):
Percentage of literate males aged 15 or older: 83 percent
Percentage of literate females aged 15 or older: 59.4 percent
Combined literacy rate for aged 15 or older: 71.2 percent
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