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Country Profile: Central African Republic
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AIDS Programmes

National Strategic Framework: 2006-2010


Assessment of overall response and capacity

HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment activities are coordinated by the National AIDS Control Committee established under the Office of the President in 2001. A national policy document on access to antiretroviral therapy was adopted in November 2002. A national operational plan for scaling up access to antiretroviral therapy (2004–2005) was developed with support from WHO, and a National Antiretroviral Therapy Programme was established within the Ministry of Public Health and Population to oversee implementation. Agreements have been negotiated with pharmaceutical companies, including Merck Sharp & Dohme, Cipla and GlaxoSmithKline, for the procurement of antiretroviral drugs. Partnerships have been established with foreign hospitals and universities for HIV treatment and care activities.

A strategy for the protection and care of orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV is being developed.

Critical issues and major challenges

Years of political instability and civil conflict in the Central African Republic have led to a deterioration of basic health services in the country, thus weakening the national response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Rapidly scaling up access to treatment requires building additional human resource capacity; strengthening drug procurement, supply and storage chains; and developing laboratory capacity. The Central African Republic is a low-income country, and the cost of drugs remains high for most people who need treatment. There are concerns about the adequate availability of antiretroviral drugs and financial capacity to sustain the cost of providing antiretroviral therapy free of user charges in the public sector. The decentralization process requires additional support to ensure that services are accessible at the district level.

Sources: UNAIDS

HIV/AIDS Organisations

  Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la population/ Ministry of public health and populations
Contact person: Tel: +236 61 16 35
Location: P.O. Box .823
Bangui, CAR
What we do:

  Programme National de Lutte Contre le Sida/ National Programme to Fight AIDS
Contact person: Tel: +236 61 17 32
Location: P.O. Box 1416
Bangui, CAR
Fax: +236 61 29 40
  +236 67 01 37
What we do:

  Comité National De Lutte Contre Le Sida/ National Council to fight AIDS
Contact person: Tel: +236 61 36 65
Location: P.O. Box 2613
Bangui, CAR
+236 61 36 94
  Fax: +236 61 05 46
+236 61 36 94
What we do: Increasing local capacity and initiatives; publishing a magazine on AIDS-related issues.

 Caritas – Developmental Services for Human Promotion
Contact person: Tel: +236 61 38 26
Location: P.O. Box 2602
Bangui, CAR
Fax: +236 61 46 92
  +236 61 38 26
What we do: Implementing local networks and providing resources to help other organizations fighting AIDS.

 Centrafrican Network of Youth fighting against AIDS/STI
Réseau Centrafricain De Jeunesse Pour La Lutte Contre Le Sida/mst (Recajels)
Contact person: Tel: +236 61 73 40
Location: P.O. Box 3044
Bangui, CAR
Fax: +236 61 10 00
What we do: Awareness, training and networking for young seropositives.

 Congres National des Jeunes Femmes VIH+
Contact person: Tel: +236 61 31 29
Location: P.O. Box 1721
Bangui, CAR
+236 61 10 89
  Fax: +236 04 18 93
What we do: Networking and advocating for young HIV-positive women.

 Congrès Des Femmes VIH-positive/ Congress of HIV-positive women
Contact person: Tel:
Location: P.O. Box 1721
Bangui, CAR
What we do: Networking organizations and providing assistance to women and local groups.

 Health and Hope Foundation
Contact person: Tel: +236 61 73 40
Location: P.O. Box 1864
Bangui, CAR
Fax: +236 61 35 61
What we do: Assistance in capacity building and healthcare.

 KTSH EEL/RCA Programme
Contact person:   Tel:
Location: P.O. Box 100
Bouai, CAR
What we do: Awareness and condoms distribution.

 Ga Nduru Na Wa Sida Project
Contact person: Tel: +236 31 41 71
Location: P.O. Box 100
Bouai, CAR
What we do: Tutelage of HIV-positives; rural public awareness campaigns; fundraising; training volunteers.

Contact person: Tel: +236 61 10 89
Location: P.O. Box 1416
Bangui, CAR
Fax: +236 61 01 37
What we do: Awareness regarding stigmatization and discrimination.

 Réseau Centrafricaine des PVVIH RECUPEV/ Centrafrican Network of PWIH RECUPEV
Contact person: Tel:
Location: P.O. Box 1416
Bangui, CAR
What we do: Prevention.

Contact person: Tel: +236 61 73 40
Location: P.O. Box 1864,
Bangui, CAR
Fax: +236 61 35 61
What we do:  Capacity-building; coordination and evaluation of partnerships.

 Cellule Presse Écrite pour la lutte contre le Sida
Contact person: Yaka Maide Tel: +236 50 36 32
Location: P.O. Box 427
Bangui, CAR
What we do: Training and assistance to journalists on AIDS/HIV-related issues.

 Cellule des artistes plasticiens Centrafricains pour la lutte contre le Sida / Centrafrican Plastic Artists Against AIDS
Contact person: Tel: +236 04 31 21
Location: P.O. Box 1528
Bangui, CAR
+236 50 83 99
What we do:

 Association des hommes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA/ Association of Men Living with HIV/AIDS
Contact person: Tel: +236 04 63 93
Location: P.O. Box 1721
Bangui, CAR
What we do: Establishing local organisations; training volunteers; awareness programs for private companies and general public.

 Association des femmes Africaines et Sida (AFAFSI)/ SWAA Society for Women and AIDS in Africa
Contact person: Tel: +236 61 61 98
Location: P.O. Box 986
Bangui, CAR
What we do:

 UNAIDS Country Co-ordinator
Contact person: Louis Ponzio Tel: +236 56 45 65
Location: +236 61 16 74
  Fax: +236 61 16 74
What we do:

 UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS , Chair
Contact person: Basile Tambashe, UNFPA Tel: +236 61 08 67
Location: Mobile: +236 04 4646
  Fax: +236 61 17 32
What we do:

 UNAIDS Regional Support Team for West and Central Africa
Contact person: Dr Meskerem Grunitzky Bekele, director Tel: +221 869 06 64
Location: P.O. Box 5748
Dakar, Senegal
Fax: +221 869 06 80
What we do:

Sources: - National literacy surveys
- The Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
- The World Bank
- World Health Organization
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Country Profiles
- United Nations Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 2005. “World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision.” New York.
- The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

Treatment Map

Adult HIV Prevalence Rate (%): 10.7%
No. Of People living with HIV/AIDS: 250,000
No. Of HIV Testing & Counseling Sites: 11
No. Of People in need of ART: 49,000
No. Of People 0-49 years On ART: 1,647
No. Of Sites Reportedly Distributing ART: 23 (19 public sector, mainly Hospital Amitie´, Hospital Communautaire, the Camp Fide`le Oubrou and a site operated by Caritas focused on AIDS orphans and widows. An ambulatory treatment centre for antiretroviral therapy was established in Bangui in August 2004 with support from the French Red Cross.)
No. Of People on ART Public Sector: n/a
No. Of People on ART Private Sector: n/a
No. Of People on ART in Non-Governmental Programmes: n/a
No. Of People Expected to be on ART (2006 End): n/a
Front Line Drug Regimen: stavudine + lamivudine + nevirapine, also known as Triomune
*PMTCT Regimen: n/a

HIV/AIDS Fund Disbursements:
Total Funds Disbursed By The Global Fund: US$20,360,307
Total Funds Disbursed By The World Bank Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Programme (MAP): US$ 17 million
Total Funds Disbursed By PEPFAR During 2005 Fiscal Year: nil


Demographics (United Nations Population Fund):
Population: 4,038,000
Population aged 15-59: 2,057,000
Urban population: 1,767,000

Under 5 mortality per 1000 births: 176
Male life expectancy: 40 years
Female life expectancy: 41years
Combined average life expectancy: 40.5 years
Combined average life expectancy 1975-1980: 46.8 years

Education (UNESCO, 2004):
Males with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: n/a
Females with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: n/a

Literacy rates (UNESCO, 2004):
Percentage of literate males aged 15 or older: 64.7 percent
Percentage of literate females aged 15 or older: 33.5 percent
Combined literacy rate for aged 15 or older: 48.6 percent
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