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Child-sex HIV transmission underestimated - expert
Saturday 5 February 2005
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SOUTH AFRICA: Child-sex HIV transmission underestimated - expert

[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]

JOHANNESBURG, 28 May (PLUSNEWS) - The role of sexual assault in the transmission of HIV to children is underestimated and needs further research, said professor Simon Schaaf of South Africa's Stellenbosch University.

He said the HIV infection rate among sexually abused children was expected to be much higher than among consenting adults.

"We don't know what the risk is among sexually abused children, but it is believed to be much higher because of the trauma caused to internal membranes," the South African Press Association quoted Schaaf as saying.

Research shows that during a single episode of consensual sex between adults, involving vaginal-penile penetration, the risk factor is between 0.1 and 0.2 percent, but increases to between 0.1 and 3 percent in penile-anal penetration.



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