CAMEROON: Country Profile
[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]
JOHANNESBURG, 22 January (PLUSNEWS) - The following is a new Country Profile database for Cameroon, providing contact details of key AIDS NGOs, government departments and UN agencies, plus the latest epidemiological data and country indicator statistics.
National Policy
A multisectoral approach is being developed under the leadership of the Minister of Health, who is also the Chair of the National AIDS Commission. Sectoral plans are in development. The current challenges in the country are: the implementation of the National Strategic Plan, improvement of absorption capacity, and finalisation of the sectoral plans.
Ministry of Public Health:
Tel: +237 22 22901
Programme Nationale de Lutte contre le SIDA:
Contact person: Dr Léopold Zekeng
BP 13810, Yaoundé
Tel: +237 222 57 58
Fax: +237 223 16 53/ 222 44 19
HIV/AIDS Organisations:
1. Sun AIDS - Cameroon Network
Contact person: Marie Mendene
B.P. 12490 Douala
Tel: +237 9934302
Fax: +237 3432917
Email: [email protected]
- HIV/AIDS education and awareness campaigns; support group services
2. AFSU - (Association des freres et soeurs unis)
Contact person: Marie Joseph
P.O. Box 25057, Yaounde
Tel: +237 9550094 / 9914674
Fax: +237 2226258
Email: [email protected]
- Home-based care; hospital visits; counselling; PWA care
3. AFASO - (Association des Femmes Actives et Solidaires)
Contact person: Pauline Mounton
B.P. 30645 Yaounde
Tel: +237 9867256 / 7643263
- Counselling; orphan-care; nutritional and medical support for PWAs
4. Hope Group
Contact person: Gladys Njoben
Tel: +237 3481262 / 3481490
- Association of people living with HIV/AIDS
5. Unique Sisters
Contact person: Elizebert Nkety / Deborah Elangwe
P.O. Box 823 Limbe, S.W Province
Tel: +237 9522829
- Support for HIV-positive women, information and education campaigns
6. Society for Women and AIDS in Africa - Cameroon
Contact person: Magdalene Wango
P.O. Box 14050 Yaounde
Tel: +237 23 40 40
Email: [email protected]
- Pre and post-test counselling; home and hospital visits; medical care; advocacy; awareness raising.
7. Association of Positive Women - APOWA Cameroon
Contact person: Linda Akere Njinda
P.O. Box 619 Douala Littoral Province Cameroon
Tel: +237 987 3405
Fax: +237 43 41 76
Email: [email protected]
- Capacity building for HIV-positive women, information and education on living positively
8. Cameroon Link - Human Assistance Programme
Contact person: James Achanyi-Fontem
P.O. Box 1460 Douala Littoral Province
Tel: +237 339 13 56 / 775 88 40
Fax: +237 339 13 56
Email: [email protected]
- Training; counselling; fund raising; communication; material support; newsletter. Serves as an umbrella organisation coordinating eight local community HIV/AIDS initiative Councils in Bonaberi neighbourhood of Douala.
9. UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, Chair
Contact person: Madani Tall
World Bank Representative
B.P. 1128 Yaounde
Tel: +237 220 38 15 / 221 08 36 / 220 31 57
Fax: +237 221 07 22
Email: [email protected]
10. UNAIDS Country Coordinator
Contact person: Dr Emmanuel Gnaore
B.P. 12909 Yaounde
Tel: +237 222 30 36
Cel: +237 771 37 61
Fax: +237 222 30 38
Email: [email protected]
Visit other Country Profiles at: www.plusnews.org
Links |
· AIDS Media Center
· The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
· International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS
· International HIV/AIDS Alliance
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