AFRICA: UNGASS draft declaration far short of civil society expectations
NEW YORK, 2 June (PLUSNEWS) - The UN declaration reviewing global progress on HIV/AIDS released on Friday has failed to win the endorsement of civil society groups, disappointed by the lack of ambition in the text.
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AFRICA: Politics override the needs of vulnerable people at UNGASS
NEW YORK, 1 June (PLUSNEWS) - African AIDS activists at the UN High-Level Meeting on HIV and AIDS in New York are furious over what they see as the overturning of agreed commitments on performance targets and the protection of vulnerable groups by a handful of African governments.
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NIGERIA: Media praised for HIV/AIDS advocacy in UNGASS report
LAGOS, 30 May (PLUSNEWS) - A growing number of Nigerian journalists have evolved from mere reporters and broadcasters to being HIV/AIDS advocates, and their contribution is recognised in Nigeria's report on progress in meeting targets set by the 2001 United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS (UNGASS).
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UGANDA: UNGASS - good HIV/AIDS information but too little prevention
KAMPALA, 26 May (PLUSNEWS) - Uganda has failed to meet two of the three HIV prevention targets set by the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on HIV in 2001, according to a UN World Health Organization (WHO) official in the Ugandan capital, Kampala.
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KENYA: Progress on HIV parent-to-baby transmission, but UNGASS target still elusive
NAIROBI, 24 May (PLUSNEWS) - The comprehensive HIV/AIDS care clinic at Kenya's Machakos District Hospital buzzes with activity as nurses call out the names of the tens of women waiting - proof, according to the hospital's staff, that their efforts to reduce the number of children born with the virus are paying off.
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SOUTHERN AFRICA: Expecting poor marks for AIDS prevention on the UNGASS report card
JOHANNESBURG, 23 May (PLUSNEWS) - African countries have failed to meet prevention targets agreed upon in 2001 at the United Nations General Assembly's Special Session on HIV/AIDS (UNGASS), according to a statement issued recently by over 80 representatives of African civil society.
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SOUTHERN AFRICA: Fudging the UNGASS report card
JOHANNESBURG, 20 April (PLUSNEWS) - As high-level negotiations get underway in preparation for the UN General Assembly's Special Session on HIV/AIDS (UNGASS), civil society organisations in Southern Africa are struggling to make their voices heard.
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