UNDP funds poverty reduction, HIV activities
Saturday 27 March 2004
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BURKINA FASO: UNDP funds poverty reduction, HIV activities

OUAGADOUOGOU, 14 February (PLUSNEWS) - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is providing US $9.5 million for the fight against HIV, poverty reduction and other activities in Burkina Faso, UNDP said in a communiqué.

Some of the funds will also be allocated to initiatives in areas such as good governance, decentralisation, microcredit and the promotion of new information and communication technologies.

Half of the funding will go to the fight against HIV/AIDS. It will be used to help prevent HIV transmission, monitor the pandemic, provide care for infected and affected persons, and help strengthen the multisectorial coordination of the campaign against HIV, the communiqué added.

According to UNAIDS, Burkina Faso's HIV rate is 6.5 percent, one of the highest in West Africa.



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The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria

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