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Sat, 25 March 2006
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MIDDLE EAST: MIDDLE EAST: Weekly round-up Number 65 for 10-16 March 2006

DUBAI, 19 Mar 2006 (IRIN) - CONTENTS: EGYPT: Ship disaster compensation inadequate, say...Full report

MIDDLE EAST: MIDDLE EAST: Weekly round-up Number 64 for 3-9 March 2006

DUBAI, 9 Mar 2006 (IRIN) - CONTENTS: EGYPT: Migrant workers face abuse EGYPT: Activists condemn...Full report

MIDDLE EAST: MIDDLE EAST: Weekly round-up Number 63 for 24 February-2 March 2006

DUBAI, 2 Mar 2006 (IRIN) - CONTENT: EGYPT: Poultry reparations insufficient, say rights groups IRAQ: Urgent action needed to head off civil war, says ICG IRAQ: Government defends use of curfew despite disruptions Full report

IRAQ: Farmers seek compensation amid bird flu prevention measures

BAGHDAD, 6 Feb 2006 (IRIN) - Farmers from the northern Sulaimaniyah governorate are requesting compensation from the Kurdish government for losses incurred by the culling of fowl, undertaken to prevent the spread of avian influenza.Full report

MIDDLE EAST: MIDDLE EAST: Weekly round-up Number 56 for 6 - 12 January 2006

DUBAI, 13 Jan 2006 (IRIN) - CONTENTS: EGYPT: 164 Sudanese released, deportation threat still uncertain Full report

IRAQ: Year in Brief 2005 - Chronology of humanitarian events

DUBAI, 9 Jan 2006 (IRIN) - 2005 saw a number of political watersheds, including national assembly elections and constitutional referendums. The contests pitted the country’s three biggest ethnic-religious groupings – Shi’ites, Sunnis and Kurds – against one another for domination of the parliament and government.Full report

MIDDLE EAST: MIDDLE EAST: Weekly round-up Number 54 for 23 – 29 December 2005

DUBAI, 2 Jan 2006 (IRIN) - CONTENTS: EGYPT: Landmine conference highlights need for clearance Full report

MIDDLE EAST: Interview with Middle East water expert

DUBAI, 28 Dec 2005 (IRIN) - Water availability in the Middle East will continue to remain problematic and a potential source of conflict, according to water expert Dr Walid Saleh. Dr Saleh has worked with the United Nations University/International Network on Water, Environment and Health in Abu Dhabi since 1996. In an interview with IRIN, he said while some efforts were ongoing to improve supplies, better water management was essential.Full report

MIDDLE EAST: Appeal to Arab world to give more to world’s poorest

DUBAI, 16 Dec 2005 (IRIN) - Activists launched a joint appeal to the Arab world on Friday in Dubai, the commercial capital of the United Arab Emirates, to donate more money to ease poverty in Africa. Full report

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Red Crescent continues work in Iraq under difficult circumstances

ABU DHABI, 11 Dec 2005 (IRIN) - At a time when very few aid agencies are able to operate within Iraq, the United Arab Emirates’ Red Crescent Association (RC) says the risks are high but that they will continue to assist the needy with a small team of workers inside the country.Full report


Year in Brief and Review on Food Security

IRAQ: Year in Brief 2005 - Chronology of humanitarian events

IRIN Focuses & Interviews on Food Security

MIDDLE EAST: Interview with Middle East water expert

EGYPT: Local focus pays off for NGO helping slum women to earn cash

YEMEN: Food incentives for girl education

JORDAN: Focus on land reclamation

YEMEN: Focus on increasing poverty levels


IRAQ: Briefing paper on food security

IRAQ: Briefing paper on power

IRAQ: Briefing paper on water and sanitation

IRAQ: Briefing paper on Education

IRAQ: Briefing paper on health

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