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Tuesday 15 November 2005
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GREAT LAKES: Governments pledge support for small arms programmes

[ This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]

NAIROBI, 24 Jul 2001 (IRIN) - New offers of support came from Belgium and UK at the conclusion on Friday of the UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons, a two-week conference seeking to curb the proliferation of small arms in some of the world’s most conflict-ridden areas, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) announced in a press release. Belgium pledged US $1.5 million for a three-year small arms programme in the Great Lakes region, including the DRC. The UK announced it would provide about US $27 million for UN agencies, regional organisations, governments and NGOs to help implement resolutions of the conference, a substantial portion of which is earmarked for UNDP’s small arms programme.

“Unlike traditional disarmament methods and approaches that attempt to stem the supply of illicit arms around the world, UNDP works to provide development incentives, such as job training and opportunities for members of communities who turn in their small arms, which are used to kill more than a half million people every year,” the UNDP statement said. “Each programme is tailored to meet the needs of the people and the circumstances of a specific country.”


 Theme(s) Democracy
Other recent GREAT LAKES reports:

FAO releases report on food supply and crop prospects,  30/Aug/01

Funding shortfall hampers humanitarian relief efforts,  13/Jul/01

Rights group takes issue with UN small arms conference,  11/Jul/01

UN small arms conference gets underway,  9/Jul/01

EU “arms-length” policy unacceptable, Belgium says,  3/Jul/01

Other recent Democracy & Governance reports:

ETHIOPIA: More protesters released from jail, 15/Nov/05

SYRIA: UN investigators deadlocked over interrogation venue, 15/Nov/05

DRC: 150,199 cases of electoral registration fraud uncovered, 15/Nov/05

SUDAN: Political developments raise concern, analysts say, 15/Nov/05

AFGHANISTAN: Election results finalised, 14/Nov/05

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