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Tuesday 27 December 2005
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BOTSWANA: Media watchdog slams expulsions

[ This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]

JOHANNESBURG, 4 Aug 2005 (IRIN) - The main opposition Botswana Congress Party (BCP) has joined media rights groups in condemning a government decision to cancel the work permits of two Zimbabwean journalists and order their immediate expulsion.

Rodrick Mukumbira was a news editor with the privately owned Ngami Times in the northern town of Maun, while Charles Chirinda worked as a correspondent for the official Botswana Television (Btv) in the capital, Gaborone.

Both were served notices signed by the minister of labour and home affairs, stating that their work permits were being withdrawn as their continued presence in the country was no longer in the interests of Botswana.

"I am directed to inform you that the Minister has, by powers vested on him in terms of Section 22 (1) of the Immigration Act and Section 8 (I) of the Non-Citizens Act, cancelled the work and residence permit in your possession," read part of the letter to Mukumbira, which did not give reasons for the decision.

Norman Chandler, managing editor of the Ngami Times, told local media that he was surprised because the newspaper had never published anything that could have angered the government.

Mukumbira went back to Zimbabwe with his family on Tuesday but has lodged an appeal against the expulsion. It is not clear when Chirinda is required to leave the country. Management at Btv told IRIN that they were aware of the sudden termination of his stay and referred all questions to immigration officials, who refused to be drawn on the matter.

Chief Immigration Officer Roy Sekororoane said the officers who served the notices should have informed the journalists of the reasons for their expulsion.

BCP spokesman Dumelang Saleshando said the action was "inconsistent with modern democratic practices".

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Botswana chapter has also condemned the move.

"This comes at a time when political leaders in the Southern Africa Development Community are talking about seamless boundaries. At present, individuals are extracted from countries simply because they are foreigners, and arguments for such removals are couched in general terms," the regional media watchdog said in a statement.

The deportation of Mukumbira and Chirinda brought to three the number of foreigners expelled from the country this year.

In February an Australian academic, Professor Kenneth Good, was told to leave Botswana after his public criticism of the president and his chosen successor.


 Theme(s) Democracy
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