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 Wednesday 16 June 2010
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Country Profile: Sudan
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AIDS Programmes

National Strategic Framework: 2004-2009

Goals to be achieved by 2009 include:
 Distribution of ARVs to 16,000 people
 Maintaining 2 percent prevalence
 Fostering traditional believes and practices encouraging youth to marry
 Increase percentage of population that can identify modes of HIV transmission and preventive from 10% to 70%
 Provide PMTCT to 1500 mothers and their infants
 VCT provided at 270 testing sites in Public Health Facilities that will have tested/counseled having 2.5 million people

HIV/AIDS Organisations

  Federal Ministry of Health
Contact person: Tel: +249 183 435 450
Location: Khartoum, Sudan Fax: +249 183 435 449
What we do:

  Sudan National AIDS Control Programme
Contact person: Dr Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Hafeez Programme Manager Tel: +249 912 356 655
Location: Fax: +249 183 435 449
What we do: Prevention; epidemiologic monitoring; control, diagnosis and monitoring of STIs, HIV/AIDS.

  Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) - South Sudan
Contact person: Chris Smoot Tel: +254 20 443 936
Location: 121 Riverside Drive PO Box 14756
Nairobi, Kenya
What we do: Education, Emergencies, Nutrition, Health.

 Norwegian Church AID (NCA)
Contact person: Stein Villumstad Tel: +254 20 608 283/4
+254 2 608 508
+254 2 608 267
Location: P.O. Box 52802, 00200 City Square
Nairobi, Kenya
Fax: +254 20 608 511
What we do: Support; information; education; prevention.

 Society for Women and AIDS in Africa - Sudan
Contact person: Fathia Mahmoud Tel:
Location: Fax:
What we do: Advocacy for women and children affected by HIV/AIDS; community mobilization.

 SPLM Health Secretariat
Contact person: Dr Bellario Ahoy Ngong, chief health officer Tel: +254 20 256 2840
Location: P.O. Box 10114/00100 GPO
Nairobi, Kenya
What we do: Overall policy and supervision of the health system in Southern Sudan.

 UNICEF - Operation Lifeline Sudan
Contact person: Tel: +254 20 621 234
Location: P.O. Box 44145
Nairobi, Kenya
What we do:

 UNAIDS Country Co-ordinator
Contact person: Musa Bungudu
Hind Hassan, Partnership Advisor
Tel: +249 11 773 121
Location: Fax: +249 11 783 764
What we do:

 UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, Chair
Contact person:  Dr Guido Sabatinelli - WHO Representative Tel: +249 11 776471
Location: Fax: +249 11 776282
What we do:

Sources: - The Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
- The World Bank
- World Health Organization
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Country Profiles
- United Nations Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 2005. “World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision.” New York.
- The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

Treatment Map

Adult HIV Prevalence Rate (%): 1.6%
No. Of People living with HIV/AIDS (Nov. 2006): 500,000-600,000
No. Of HIV Testing & Counseling Sites (Nov. 2006): 49
No. Of People in need of ART (Nov. 2006): 62,000
No. Of People 0-49 years On ART (Nov. 2006): 759
No. Of Sites Reportedly Distributing ARVs (Nov. 2006): 18
No. Of People on ART Public Sector (Nov. 2006): 759
No. Of People on ART Private Sector (Nov. 2006): n/a
No. Of People on ART in Non Government Programmes (Nov. 2006): not available
No. Of People Expected to be on ART (2006 End): 1,000
Front Line Drug Regimen (Nov. 2006): stavudine + lamivudine + nevirapine, also known as Triomune
*PMTCT Regimen: n/a

HIV/AIDS Fund Disbursements:
Total Funds Disbursed By The Global Fund as of Nov. 2006: US$3,288,000
Total Funds Disbursed By The World Bank Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Programme (MAP) as of Nov. 2006: nil
Total Funds Disbursed By PEPFAR During 2005 Fiscal Year: nil

Sources: Sudan National AIDS Programme (SNAP)


Demographics (United Nations Population Fund):
Population: 36,233,000
Population aged 15-59: 19,967,000
Urban population: 14,775,000

Under 5 mortality per 1000 births: 67
Male life expectancy: 56 years
Female life expectancy: 60 years
Combined average life expectancy: 58 years
Combined average life expectancy 1975-1980: 47.8 years

Education (UNESCO, 2004):
Males with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: 34 percent
Females with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: 32 percent

Literacy rates (UNESCO, 2004):
Percentage of literate males aged 15 or older: 70.8 percent
Percentage of literate females aged 15 or older: 49.1 percent
Combined literacy rate for aged 15 or older: 59.9 percent
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