Disease and war killing scores of people - survey

UGANDA: Disease and war killing scores of people - survey

JOHANNESBURG, 29 Aug 2005 (PLUSNEWS) - An official survey has highlighted the impact of disease and conflict on more than 1.1 million displaced people in Uganda's war-torn northern districts of Gulu, Kitgum and Pader in the Acholi region, according to Agence France-Presse.

The report, analysing mortality levels in displaced peoples camps in the region, estimated that around 30,000 people had died during the first half of this year.

The survey observed that "a total excess mortality of 28,283, of which 11,068 [are] children under five, can be projected for the entire Acholi region between January and July 2005. Mortality rates were above the emergency threshold and were four times higher than non-crisis levels."

Despite the fatalities resulting from ongoing fighting between government troops and the Lord's Resistance Army rebels, the survey noted that malaria and HIV/AIDS were still the leading causes of death.


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