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Friday 1 September 2006
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 298, 25 August 2006

1. Fact Sheet: Managing expectations around microbicides

After the enormous amount of attention microbicides received at the International AIDS Conference in Toronto last week, the Global Campaign for Microbicides has urged supporters of this female-controlled prevention method, still in clinical trials, to communicate that the new technology will not be a magic bullet. The fact sheet below is a tool for helping advocates convey clear and realistic expectations regarding:

  • the timing of microbicide availability
  • the nature of clinical trials
  • likely microbicide effectiveness
  • the cost of a microbicide
  • current efforts to overcome barriers to making microbicides accessible

To access, go to the download centre of the Global Campaign's web site and select Fact Sheet #19:

2. Conference on 'HIV/AIDS: Scaling-up Effective Interventions and the Contribution of the Private Sector' 5-6 October 2006, Chatham House, London

Chatham House in London, United Kingdom, will be hosting a conference on scaling up HIV and AIDS interventions and the contribution of the private sector. This conference will explore the possible reasons for the relatively slow pace of collaborative efforts, with an emphasis on public-private partnerships. The key question the conference will seek to answer is: how can we move forward with public-private partnerships and scale up successful collaborative efforts?

Participants will include national and international policymakers, multinational businesses, academic experts, media and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs). The audience will comprise leaders of the global corporate sector, key government and NGO policymakers, and representatives of international development institutions. It will also include project directors, opinion formers and other experts from different regions. Attendance is free of charge and by invitation.

To apply for a place or receive further information, email




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· AIDS Media Center
· The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
· International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS
· International HIV/AIDS Alliance

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