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Thursday 12 August 2004
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 192, 30 July 2004

1. The Management of AIDS in the Community

From 8 to 28 August 2004 in Mazabuka, Zambia, the Salvation Army Chikankata Health Services, in collaboration with the Regional AIDS Training Network (RATN), are hosting a course in 'The Management of AIDS in the Community'.

The course will examine strategies to improve the quality of life of people infected/affected by HIV/AIDS; increase community capacity to cope with HIV/AIDS; prevent further transmission of HIV through behaviour change; and increase the ability of participants to build a broad institutional capacity to respond to HIV/AIDS.

Subjects to be covered include: Behaviour Modification, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Management Strategies and Quality of Life.

For more information, contact the Training Programmes Manager, RATN, PO Box 16035-00100 GPO, Nairobi, Kenya by calling:
(254) 20-2716009, 2724634, 2726765
or fax: 254-20-2726626
or e-mail:

Access the website: www.ratn.org

2. Global Conference on Indigenous Knowledge and Traditional Medicine

From 16 to 18 March 2005 the Africa First LLC of Minnesota, USA, in collaboration with a number of other African and international organisations, will host the Global Conference on Indigenous Knowledge and Traditional Medicine.

All governmental and non-governmental institutions, orthodox medical practitioners, medical schools, medical associations, traditional health practitioners, medical students, foundations, pharmaceutical and bio-technological companies, legal practitioners, law schools, law students and law societies around the world are invited to attend the conference at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The aim is to promote collaboration between indigenous healers, conventional medical practitioners and corporate institutions for the advancement of health care and encourage others to advocate for laws to protect the rights of traditional healers to medicinal knowledge and products.

For more information:

3. The Third Edition of "Women, Children, and HIV"

Prepared by the University of California - San Francisco (UCSF) Centre for HIV Information, this CD-ROM was distributed to the 19,000 delegates attending the recent International AIDS Conference in Bangkok.

This is the third and latest edition of "Women, Children, and HIV: Resources for Prevention and Treatment", a leading information resource for international care providers, researchers, and policy-makers focusing on mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

The CD-ROM contains briefs from hundreds of documents on HIV/AIDS treatment, care and standards of care. It includes interactive training modules for medical practitioners, a library of treatment guidelines and research articles, and templates of educational brochures and posters designed for patients and communities.

For more information visit:

Or order copies of the CD-ROM by email:

4. "Reaching Out-of-School Youth with Reproductive Health and HIV Information and Services"

This report presents case studies of four programmes that focus on reaching mainstream and marginalised out-of-school youth with reproductive health and HIV information and services.

The authors examine the link between schooling and safer sexual behaviours, and also look at programmes that work with young people who do not or cannot attend formal schools.

More details:




AFRICA: Interview with WHO Assistant Director General for Family and Community Health
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Focus on sex education - an antidote to HIV/AIDS
MOZAMBIQUE: New hope for HIV-infected children
AFRICA: Guidelines for HIV/AIDS Interventions in Emergency settings
ZIMBABWE: Men break with tradition to become AIDS caregivers


The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS
International HIV/AIDS Alliance
International Council of AIDS Services Organisations (ICASO)

PlusNews does not take responsibility for info in links supplied.


PlusNews is produced under the banner of RHAIN, the Southern African Regional HIV/AIDS Information Network. RHAIN's members currently include:

  • IRIN
  • Inter Press Service (IPS)
  • Health Systems Trust
  • Health & Development Networks
  • GTZ/Afronets

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