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Saturday 17 March 2007
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UGANDA: Squalid camps provide ARV lifeline

GULU, 26 February (PLUSNEWS) - If currently stalled peace talks to end 20 years of fighting between rebels and the government in northern Uganda succeed, 1.2 million displaced people will be on their way home; good news for those desperate to rebuild their lives, a new challenge for the authorities struggling to provide treatment to those living with HIV. Full report

UGANDA: Findings on circumcision may derail HIV/AIDS fight - President

KAMPALA, 12 February (PLUSNEWS) - Recent findings that male circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV have generated a heated national debate, with President Yoweri Museveni arguing that the findings could hurt the fight against the pandemic. Full report

UGANDA: US donates $15 million for religious-based HIV/AIDS programmes

KAMPALA, 15 September (PLUSNEWS) - The United States this week donated US$15 million to a religious body for HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programmes in Uganda. Full report

UGANDA: HIV-positive women stigmatised by major hospital - report

KAMPALA, 31 March (PLUSNEWS) - HIV-positive pregnant women are experiencing discrimination and abuse at Mulago Hospital, Uganda's largest referral facility, according to a report published by a local human rights NGO, Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI). Full report

UGANDA: Stuck in the closet: gays left out of HIV/AIDS strategy

KAMPALA, 17 March (PLUSNEWS) - In a dimly lit karaoke bar in a suburb of Kampala, the capital, Crystal Namanya belts out Madonna's "Get into the Groove", following the words as they run across a television screen. Her rendition is a crowd pleaser, attracting applause and shouts of "you go, girl!" from her fellow revellers. Full report

UGANDA: Global fund lifts ban on AIDS grants

KAMPALA, 11 November (PLUSNEWS) - Uganda on Friday welcomed the release of a grant package worth US $367 million from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which the organisation suspended last August amid allegations of mismanagement. Full report

:: Previous News ::
UGANDA: An HIV/AIDS campaign in crisis?

KAMPALA, 4 December (PLUSNEWS - DFID) - Uganda's success in lowering its HIV/AIDS level, lauded as a rare African achievement, could be unravelling. The latest UNAIDS statistics show rising prevalence, and questions are being asked about the government's commitment to fighting the epidemic. Full report

UGANDA: HIV/AIDS rising amid extreme poverty of north's IDP camps

KAMPALA, 21 November (PLUSNEWS - DFID) - Rebel attacks in northern Uganda over the last 20 years have shattered basic healthcare services, hitting HIV-positive people in need of life-prolonging antiretroviral (ARV) drugs particularly hard. Full report

UGANDA: Interview with Maj Felix Kulayigye, defence force spokesman

KAMPALA, 15 November (PLUSNEWS - DFID) - For the past two decades the Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) has been at war with rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army in the north of the country. As the conflict has dragged on, the region's HIV infection rate has risen from almost nil to nine percent, one-and-a-half times the national average. However, The new peace process offers hope for both an end to the fighting and a more effective response to the pandemic. IRIN/PlusNews spoke to UPDF spokesman Maj Felix Kulayigye. Below are excerpts of the interview. Full report

UGANDA: Funding shortfall to affect health programmes

KAMPALA, 7 November (PLUSNEWS - DFID) - Health programmes in Uganda could be disrupted following a decision by the Global Fund to exclude the country from its list of beneficiaries, a senior government official said on Tuesday Full report

UGANDA: Marching for abstinence

KAMPALA, 3 November (PLUSNEWS - DFID) - Thousands of Ugandans marched through Kampala recently to promote the message that 'Abstinence Pride' is central to the fight against HIV/AIDS. Full report

UGANDA: Men in the north slow to respond to AIDS message

KITGUM, 27 October (PLUSNEWS - DFID) - Awareness of the AIDS pandemic is generally high in northern Uganda, but the message has not hit home with some men, who are still too afraid of the stigma against the disease to seek treatment. Full report

:: Previous News ::
Reaching the target?
Winning the peace: the post-war AIDS challenge PlusNews Special
Closing the gap: Gender-Based Violence in South Africa, PlusNews Special
ASIA: Facing the HIV/AIDS challenge, PlusNews Special
Media Fact File
Orphans and HIV
Migrant Workers
Injecting Drug Use and HIV transmission
Gender Based Violence
Children and HIV
HIV/AIDS and the Military
The Triple Threat
Men and HIV
Refugees and HIV
SUDAN: HIV testing kits lacking (12/Jan/07)
SUDAN: Children take on the role of parents (20/Dec/06)
SUDAN: Breaking the Silence (11/Dec/06)
SUDAN: No Rest for the Elderly (08/Dec/06)
LIBERIA: Pushing the message in Ganta (06/Nov/06)
LIBERIA: Knowledge and protection in Harbel (06/Nov/06)
Web Specials
 - UNGASS+5 - How Far Have  we Come?
 - ART on the frontline

Links for Uganda

· Making a Difference for Children Affected by AIDS

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