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PlusNews Weekly Issue 246, 12 August 2005

1. Video on HIV-positive African priest now in French and Portuguese

The video "What can I do?" launched in Kampala, Uganda, in September 2004, features a priest living with HIV/AIDS and is designed to address HIV-related stigma, shame, discrimination and denial in churches. It profiles the Rev Canon Gideon Byamugisha from Uganda - the first African priest to disclose his HIV-positive status.

Byamugisha calls on Christians to do away with judgemental attitudes to HIV-positive people, and offer them love and support instead.

The 49-minute video is divided into short segments on topics such as 'Coping with stigma', 'Why be tested for HIV?' and 'Challenges for the church'. It is accompanied by a 48-page Facilitator's Guide to enable groups to explore the issues it raises in greater depth.

The Strategies for Hope Trust, which produced this resource, has announced that the video is now available in French and Portuguese, as well as the original English.

The video (English/French/Portuguese) and the Guide (English only) can be ordered from:
Tel: +44 1727 853869

Limited quantities of free copies of these materials are available to African organisations unable to purchase them. For enquiries about these and other Strategies for Hope materials, please contact:
Glen Williams, Series Editor, Strategies for Hope
Tel: +44 1865 723078

2. Debating Sexual Rights in Africa

Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (ARSRC) will be hosting a time-limited structured and moderated discussion on the topic: Debating Sexual Rights in Africa.

This discussion will take place on the ARSRC electronic discussion forum from 15 August to 15 October 2005. To participate, click on the link below and sign up with your name and the country in which you work. OR

The overall aim of this discussion is to promote more informed public dialogue on human sexuality, share experiences and raise awareness of issues related to 'Sexual Rights in Africa', in the hope of contributing to positive change in relevant policies and programmes in Africa.

Some of the topics to be covered include:

  • The roles and responsibility of legal systems in protecting and promoting the sexual rights of women, and the need to revisit the implementation of laws within evolving social norms and traditions
  • Sexual rights and what they mean at national and individual levels in Africa, within the context of HIV/AIDS
  • Sexuality issues at the personal and family level, and the impact on women's sexual health

For more information
Olusegun Sangowawa
Programme Officer Information Services
Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (ARSRC)
17 Lawal Str, Off Oweh Str.
Jibowu, Yaba
Lagos State, Nigeria
Tel: +234-1-791-9307

3. Innovative Approaches to income generation for PLWHA Groups

The Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT) recently released 'Community Responses 3: Innovative Approaches to income generation for PLWHA Groups' - the third in a series of Community Responses.

Each edition of the Community Responses series takes a practical programming challenge, describes how a community responded to the problem and extracts the keys lessons for sharing with others. Other editions in the series are:
- Mobilising men as home-based care volunteers
- Transferring Palliative Care from Institutions to Communities

SAT is a regional initiative that supports community responses to HIV and AIDS through in-depth partnerships with community groups in southern Africa, and wider networking, skills exchange and lesson-sharing throughout the region and internationally. SAT funding and skills-building activities support the capacity development of partners and their programming, in order to create more effective, sustainable and comprehensive community responses.

The SAT Regional Secretariat is currently based in Zimbabwe, from which SAT operates five country offices in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

To obtain SAT publications, e-mail: or visit the website at:


Numéros spéciaux

CÔTE D IVOIRE: Ingéniosité et coopération : des clés pour prévenir le VIH en zone de conflit
AFRIQUE: De nouveaux médicaments contre le sida, vite !
AFRIQUE: “Nous négliger, c’est négliger une partie de la famille africaine” – MSM
AFRIQUE: Le préservatif, un objet de désir à la mode brésilienne
BURKINA FASO: Une extension des traitements à hauts risques

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