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Samedi 7 janvier 2006
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 235, 27 May 2005

1. HIV/AIDS and the Media Fellowships

The HIV/AIDS and the Media Project, jointly managed by the South Africa's University of Witwatersrand Journalism Programme and the Perinatal HIV Research Unit, is offering two four-month full-time fellowships for one journalist and one researcher to conduct in-depth reporting and research into an Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)-related issue that has been not been adequately covered by the South African media.

The journalist and the researcher will be expected to work as a team to produce journalistic and academic research and writing on a shared topic. The aim is to promote a critical examination of the role and impact of the media in the HIV/AIDS pandemic by fresh and innovative reporting and research, while providing fellows with the opportunity to undertake longer-term research and writing. Although it is expected that applicants should submit a proposed area of research as part of their application, a final topic will be negotiated between the supervisor and the successful candidates.

The successful candidates will receive a generous performance-based stipend for the duration of their fellowships.


Journalists -

    - At least two years' experience in journalism
    - Experience and/or an interest in the field of HIV/AIDS

Please submit the following:

    - A brief CV
    - A two-page proposal on the area of interest, also outlining how you intend to partner with a researcher
    - Two samples of previous journalistic work
    - Two written references

Researchers -

    - A good Master's degree in Sociology, Social Anthropology, Journalism and/or Media Studies or a related discipline, preferably with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS
    - Preferably a publishing record

Please submit the following:

    - A brief CV
    - A two-page research proposal on area of interest
    - Two samples of previous writing
    - Two written references, of which at least one should be academic

Applications should be submitted to: Research Coordinator, HIV/AIDS and the Media Project, Journalism Programme, Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050 or email .

For more information phone +27 11 717 4086.

Closing date: 3 June 2005

2. Clinical Trials Forum

The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Forum will be held from 3 to 5 October 2005 in Durban, South Africa.

The EDCTP Forum aims at fostering closer collaboration and networking between European and sub-Saharan African partners involved in health research and capacity building in Africa, especially in HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria clinical trials.

The Forum also provides a platform for feedback on new developments in research in these fields, and several recognised international experts will deliver state-of-the-art presentations and facilitate round-table sessions.

The Forum Theme is: HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa: From Knowledge to Implementation.

The meeting will also focus on:

    - Disease-specific challenges and priorities in HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria drug and vaccine clinical development
    - Networking South-South and North-South
    - Capability building

Abstract submission deadline: 15 July 2005. Submission forms are available on the web site. EDCTP will sponsor a limited number of participants from African countries. Application forms are on the web site

For more information:

Riana Coetsee
Chair: Organising Committee
EDCTP Forum 2005
Tel: +27-21-938-0839
Fax: +27-21-938-0569

3. GNP+ Handbook

The Global Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) has released new translations of the Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) Handbook "Challenging, Changing and Mobilizing: A guide to PLHIV Involvement in Country Coordinating Mechanisms". The handbook is now available in English, Russian, French and Spanish.

The CCM Handbook is meant to increase involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the Country Coordinating Mechanisms of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM). It has been praised as a handy tool to enhance this involvement. The book suggests policies and processes for CCMs, CCM Members, the Global Fund Board and secretariat, HIV-positive people on the CCM, and constituencies of PLWHA.

Produced in collaboration with the POLICY project of the Futures Group International, and funded by USAID and GTZ, more than 400 PLWHA from over 30 countries contributed to the development of this tool and its companion handbook.

GNP+ has also produced the "Guidelines for Improving CCMs through Greater PLHIV Involvement". The guidelines are an abridged version of the handbook and focus on involvement in the Global Fund. The guidelines are especially useful as they can easily be adapted for advocacy and use with other HIV/AIDS bodies, donors and partners.

The guidelines are available in English, French, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese. Check the GNP+ website regularly for new translations.

The book can be downloaded from: Hard copies of the handbook can be ordered at . The handbooks are free, while stocks last.

4. Telling the AIDS Story around the World

Internews Network and the partners of the AIDS Media Centre invite you to a special Roundtable Discussion: Telling the AIDS Story around the World - Local Journalists Making a Difference, on Wednesday 1 June 2005, 12 to 2 p.m. in the Barbara Jordan Conference Centre at the Kaiser Family Foundation 1330 G Street NW Washington DC 20005 (one block west of Metro Centre)

Roundtable Participants:
- Jaya Shreedhar - Internews India (former Hindu correspondent)
- Mia Malan - Internews Kenya (former South Africa Broadcasting Corporation health correspondent and former CNN Africa Journalist of the year)
- Cece Modupe Fadope - Internews Nigeria (former NPR Producer)
- Phil Hay - Communications Advisor, World Bank Human Development Network (former BBC correspondent)
- Moderated by Rachel Jones - NPR Reporter/National Desk and Internews Trainer

In developing countries, broadcast media (radio and television) are the main source of public health information for rural and illiterate populations. Yet the state of health journalism (broadcast and print) in most developing countries remains poor due to lack of resources for news media, low priority and status given to health coverage by media outlets, lack of quality training for journalists, and limited access to information, among other obstacles. The panel of journalist-trainers have been working at building the capacity of local journalists around the world. As accomplished journalists themselves, they are working to raise the standards of news and feature reporting on HIV/AIDS in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe.


Numéros spéciaux

CÔTE D IVOIRE: Ingéniosité et coopération : des clés pour prévenir le VIH en zone de conflit
AFRIQUE: De nouveaux médicaments contre le sida, vite !
AFRIQUE: “Nous négliger, c’est négliger une partie de la famille africaine” – MSM
AFRIQUE: Le préservatif, un objet de désir à la mode brésilienne
BURKINA FASO: Une extension des traitements à hauts risques

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