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Samedi 7 janvier 2006
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 234, 20 May 2005

1. TASO in-service training

Uganda's TASO (The AIDS Support Organisation) is currently undertaking a project (TEACH - TASO Experimental Attachment to Combat HIV/AIDS) aimed at enhancing HIV/AIDS service provider competence through a process of in-service attachment to a TASO Centre for one month, where trainees will have practical experience in TASO work.

The information and application forms can be obtained from TASO's website:

For more information:
Winnie Kyaligonza
Project Coordinator - TEACH

2. HEARD HIV/AIDS Planning Course

One of a series of International Policy Research Workshops held over the last eleven years in the UK, East Asia and Africa, the 8th Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD) HIV/AIDS Course focuses on the need to anticipate the medium- and long-term social and economic consequences of HIV/AIDS. The course will offer participants an opportunity to exchange ideas, review their experiences of strategies and tactics, and identify interventions appropriate to their local situation.

The 2005 course will include an optional third week, which aims to provide participants with the tools to project the impact of HIV/AIDS using computer modelling.

The course is designed for senior professionals concerned with planning for the economic, social, demographic and human resource implications of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Previous workshop participants have included economists and planners from government ministries; AIDS programme managers; donor staff; NGO workers; private sector staff; local government officers; military officers; academics and others.

The course will be facilitated by Prof Alan Whiteside and Samuel Braimah of ActionAid in Burundi.

A maximum of 50 places are available. The course runs from 11 to 29th July 2005. The closing date for applications is 24 June 2005.

For further information please contact Sohana:
Tel: +27(0)31 309 1106
Fax: +27 (0)31 309 1117

3. Navigating the ICASA2005 website

In response to enquiries received from some members of the public and their expression of difficulty in locating the abstract guidelines, submission form and other conference-related information from the ICASA 2005 [International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, Abuja, Nigeria, 4 - 9 December 2005 website, the conference organisers have provided the following tips:


Log on to

On your extreme left side, while facing the computer, locate and click on 'conference programme' in the column close to the photograph of the ICASA President. Click on 'abstract driven session' in red font. The last past of the 'Call for Abstracts' has the following: 'Submission guidelines are available here' and 'Submission instructions are available here'. In each case, click on 'here'.

In this part of the website you can also view submission forms and explore other aspects of the programme including Satellite Meetings, Plenary Sessions, Tracks, Non-Abstract Driven Sessions, Abstract Driven Sessions, Cultural Programme, Skills Building Workshop, Community Forum, Leadership Forum and Q & A Session.

4. AIDS Vaccine Handbook

The AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC) this week released the new 'AIDS Vaccine Handbook: Global Perspectives'. This new edition of the AIDS Vaccine Handbook is a collection of easy-to-read, lively essays written by people involved in research and advocacy from around the globe. The publication provides an overview of the key scientific, policy, social, ethical and economic challenges, and diverse experiences gained around the world during the past two decades.

The AIDS Vaccine Handbook aims to address such critical questions as:

  • How can I understand the science behind experimental AIDS vaccines?
  • Is it safe to volunteer for an AIDS vaccine clinical trial?
  • Are clinical trials that take place in developing countries ethical?
  • What can communities do to help foster and encourage AIDS vaccine development?
  • Where can I go for information, and what at can I do to help?

The Handbook is available electronically at, and individual copies are available free of charge to community organisations by sending an email request to . For bulk copies, please contact


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