IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique | Documents
Samedi 7 janvier 2006
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 227, 1 April 2005

1. AIDS Impact Conference

South Africa's Human Sciences Research Council, in partnership with AIDS Impact and the Nelson Mandela Foundation, are hosting the 7th International AIDS Impact Conference under the banner, 'The Moment is Now', from 4 to 7 April 2005 in Cape Town, South Africa.

The conference has been held since the early 1990s as an international gathering of those involved in the biological, psychological and social aspects of HIV/AIDS.

Delegates are drawn from a broad spectrum of people with multiple perspectives: academics, clinicians, policy-makers, health and social workers, and people living with HIV/AIDS. The conference is expected to attract approximately 800 delegates from more than 50 countries.

Conference topics will focus on:

  • The impact of HIV/AIDS on different sectors of the economy
  • The impact of AIDS on orphans, on life expectancy, and on child and adult mortality and population growth
  • Access to treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS
  • The side-effects of HIV/AIDS treatments
  • HIV/AIDS prevention and care strategies
  • Gender and HIV/AIDS
  • Mental health and HIV/AIDS

To see the final programme:

For more information:

Edwin Nichols - Communications Manager
Tel: +31 20 616 9045
Cell: +31 6 131 98 161

Ina van der Linde - Media Communication
Human Sciences Research Council
Tel: +27 12 3022024
Cell: +27 82 3310614

2. The Health of Our Educators: A focus on HIV/AIDS in South African public schools

'The Health of Our Educators: A focus on HIV/AIDS in South African public schools', is the latest report by the Human Sciences Research Council on the impact of HIV/AIDS on schoolteachers.

The survey commissioned by the Education Labour Relations Council shows that in a nationally representative sample of 17,088 teachers at 1,700 schools, close to 13 percent of the country's teachers are HIV-positive. It is estimated that the pandemic claims the lives of 11 teachers daily.

Access the full report:


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