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Samedi 7 janvier 2006
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 223, 4 March 2005

1. Deadlines for Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment

The 3rd International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 24 to 27 July 2005

This conference brings together researchers and clinicians from around the world to address current issues in HIV research, prevention and treatment, and will cover aspects of basic, clinical and prevention sciences in the field of HIV/AIDS through plenary sessions, abstract-driven sessions, fora and debates.

IAS 2005 will offer concentrations in basic, clinical and prevention sciences. Basic sciences will focus on HIV virology and immunology, and AIDS vaccine research. Clinical sciences will cover a breadth of issues from treatment in resource-limited settings to state-of-the-art and high-technology topics. Prevention sciences will cover epidemiology, science of behaviour change, and prevention research, including vaccines, microbicides, chemoprophylaxis and other prevention methods. In addition to abstract-driven sessions, the conference will feature daily plenary sessions, smaller workshops, fora and debates.

Important Deadlines:

  • 6 March 2005: Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 10 June 2005: Standard Registration Fee
  • 15 June 2005: Late Breakers Abstract Submission
  • 10 July 2005: Letter of Invitation Request

For more information:

2. Online toolkit on orphans and other vulnerable children

The International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Family Health International have launched a new online toolkit on supporting orphans and other vulnerable children, which shares learning and resources from a wide range of organisations.

The website: covers the following broad categories:

  • Running a programme
  • Health and nutrition
  • Education
  • Psychosocial support
  • Economic strengthening
  • Living environments
  • Children's rights.

Each category has several sections and sub-sections - over seventy sections in all - on a wide range of topics covering practical, community-based support to orphans and vulnerable children.

Users can download over 500 publications, find out about experiences in particular countries, read about terminology, learn about monitoring and evaluation, contribute new resources and make comments.

3. Pocket Guide to Adult HIV/AIDS Treatment

The Johns Hopkins HIV Care Programme, located in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, has released a new 'Pocket Guide to Adult HIV/AIDS Treatment'. The pocket guide is a quick reference for baseline evaluation, antiretroviral drugs, antiretroviral therapy, opportunistic infections, and related issues.

The document is provided as an information resource for physicians and other healthcare professionals to assist in the appropriate treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS.

To view the pocket guide: pdf Format


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