IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique | Documents
Samedi 7 janvier 2006
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 220, 11 February 2005

1. New e-mail discussion forum on HIV/AIDS in Uganda

Health and Development Networks (HDN) and the Ugandan Network of AIDS Service Organisations (UNASO) recently launched a new email discussion forum on HIV/AIDS in Uganda - Partners Uganda.

Partners Uganda is a national eForum for the debate and discussion on HIV/AIDS-related health and development issues. The forum provides a virtual meeting place for organisations and people at the national and local levels to network, share experiences and ask for advice on issues related to HIV/AIDS in the Ugandan context. It facilitates linkages and information sharing between groups of people living with HIV/AIDS and organisations working in the area of HIV/AIDS and other health-related fields in a variety of sectors.

The eForum also provides a searchable archive of postings, including reports from international and regional AIDS conferences related to HIV/AIDS in Uganda.

It has a diverse membership, made up of:
-- non-governmental and community-based organisations
-- People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA)
-- Research institutes and centres
-- Educational establishments
-- Provincial and district level administration
-- Journalist/media groups

Use the search engine to find and browse through discussions on Partners Uganda at:

To join, send a blank message to:

2. Sexual Violence Research Initiative: Request for Proposals

The Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) has issued a request for proposals to host the SVRI Secretariat.

SVRI invites institutions, particularly in low- or middle-income countries, to express their interest in hosting the Secretariat for the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) for an initial period of three years, renewable by the SVRI Coordinating Group.

The SVRI aims to build an experienced and committed network of researchers, policy makers, activists and donors to ensure that the many aspects of sexual violence are addressed from the perspective of different disciplines and cultures.

Deadline: 21 February 2005.

For more information: and

3. HIV/AIDS Survival Skills Workshop for Rural Women

The HIV/AIDS Survival Skills Workshop will take place from 27 March to 1 April 2005 in Tororo, eastern Uganda. This workshop is the first of its kind in rural Uganda. The workshop is free to the participating local women and is designed to empower them to become leaders and teachers in their communities.

The facilitator, Lynde Francis, runs The Centre, an organisation based in Harare, Zimbabwe, which has thousands of clients, most without access to antiretroviral medication. Francis and her colleagues have developed a successful and practical programme that improves nutrition, empowers women, builds support networks, teaches alternative therapies, and provides basic AIDS education.

US NGO, The River Fund, is jointly sponsoring the workshop with The Centre and the Uganda Martyrs Orphans Project of Tororo. Lynde Francis is also available to give talks or workshops while in Uganda in April 2005. Please contact her at: .

For more information:
Centurio Olaboro
Uganda Martyrs Orphans Project
(0) 778 43 900

4. Awards for Business Excellence

The Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GBC) is calling for submissions for the 2005 Awards for Business Excellence. The awards, instituted in 1998, recognise outstanding business responses to HIV/AIDS around the world.

The 2005 Awards will be presented at the GBC's Annual Gala Dinner in Washington DC, USA, following a two-day global HIV/AIDS simulation, a congressional meeting, and a business leaders meeting. Companies are invited to submit their entry forms by 18 March 2005.

The 2004 awards recognized the work of Anglo American for Leadership, BHP Billiton for Innovation, Coca-Cola Egypt for Community, Siemens for Workplace, and Viacom International for Education and Awareness. Fourteen other company programmes were also commended for their efforts.

Companies taking action on HIV/AIDS are encouraged to send submissions for recognition in the following categories:

Business Excellence in the Workplace
Business Excellence in the Community
Business Excellence for Innovation
Business Excellence using Core Competency
Individual Business Leadership on HIV/AIDS

For more information on the awards and how to apply, please go to


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