OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 31 mars 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 219, 4 February 2005

1. HIV/AIDS Researcher

A qualified researcher is required to undertake ethnographic or qualitative research on gender and participation in health, in the context of HIV/AIDS. The research will be done under the shared supervision of the Reproductive Health and HIV Research Unit (RHRU), based at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, and the AIDS and Human Rights Research Unit at the University of Pretoria.

Duration: A contract appointment for a minimum of six and a maximum of twelve months.


  • Preferably a doctorate, but at least a research master's degree in Anthropology, History and Sociology or related disciplines.

Starting date: 1 March 2005.

Applications should preferably be e-mailed to: or be sent to:
The Head, AIDS and Human Rights Research Unit
Centre for the Study of AIDS
University Pretoria
Pretoria, 0002, by no later than 18 February 2005.

A full CV, two letters of reference from relevant professional persons, and a letter of motivation highlighting possible specific research questions to be addressed. Interviews will be held very soon after 18 February.

Enquiries may be directed to the same e-mail address or to (012) 420 2374/ (012) 420 4392.


Numéros spéciaux

GUINÉE: Cinq fois plus de personnes devraient être mises sous ARV
SÉNÉGAL: «Je préfère sauver des travailleurs que de gagner un salaire»
MAURITANIE: Nouadhibou, ancien eldorado aujourd'hui en danger
SÉNÉGAL: Sortir de l’anonymat pour aider les femmes séropositives
AFRIQUE DE L OUEST: Les femmes migrantes ont besoin d’informations pour se protéger du VIH

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