OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 31 mars 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 218, 28 January 2005

1. Regional Technical Advisor (RTA), Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is looking for a Regional Technical Advisor (RTA) for HIV/AIDS for its Central African Regional Office.


To provide technical assistance to CRS Central African country programmes in the area of HIV/AIDS and to promote the vision, goals, objectives and strategies of the HIV/AIDS sector in the Central Africa region.


  • Provide technical assistance to CRS country programmes in the development, implementation and monitoring of HIV programmes
  • Coordinate regional HIV/AIDS activities such as workshops
  • Provide general technical assistance in the development, implementation and evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention and mitigation activities, with particular attention to multisectoral interventions. Ensure that all activities are consistent with current CRS strategies and policies
  • Review HIV/AIDS project idea notes, concept papers, and project proposals
  • Assist programmes in the development of quantitative and qualitative assessments
  • Develop systems to regularly disseminate information on best practices and lessons learned in HIV/AIDS programming to CARO country programme staff
  • Conduct regular technical visits to HIV/AIDS country programmes
  • Coordinate closely with other RTAs for HIV/AIDS to disseminate information requests from CARO country programmes and to share with CARO lessons learned from HIV/AIDS programming in other regions
  • Provide country programmes with trip reports offering recommendations for HIV/AIDS programming
  • Contribute to the design of regional and agency policies regarding employees affected by HIV/AIDS, and ensure their application in CARO country programmes
  • Coordinate requests for external consultancies in the area of HIV/AIDS and short-term consultancies of other CRS staff
  • Serve as a regional resource on all aspects of Agency HIV strategies and policies, as well as on funding-related information from the Global Fund, World Bank, USAID, Catholic donors and other potential donors


  • Advanced degree (master's or Ph D preferred) in public health or health-related field
  • Minimum of three years of experience in international health development and/ or AIDS programmes, preferably in Africa, and should include programme management experience
  • Demonstrated capacity to understand and advise on critical technical and operational issues related to HIV/AIDS prevention, care and mitigation
  • Excellent writing and communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively on a team, and as a team player
  • Experience in designing and implementing participatory planning and evaluation methods
  • Knowledge of spreadsheets and budgeting, computer literacy and familiarity with Microsoft Office, including PowerPoint presentations
  • Willingness to travel frequently
  • Proficiency in French, Spanish or Portuguese. Fluency in spoken and written French and English required

The incumbent will be based in a CRS country programme in Central Africa (Abuja, Kinshasa, or Yaounde). The position will require extensive travel (at least 40 percent) throughout Central Africa (Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Equatorial Guinea) and trips to CRS headquarters in Baltimore, as necessary.

To apply for this position please go to the CRS website at www.catholicrelief.org
In your cover letter please include requisition number I 04 124, source code IRIN and salary requirements.


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