OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 31 mars 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 217, 21 January 2005

1. Panos Global AIDS Programme Director

The Panos AIDS programme has a history of producing analyses of key issues in the response to HIV/AIDS and is recognised as a pioneering organisation challenging existing strategies and approaches to fighting the epidemic.

Panos is looking for a director to provide vision and leadership to the programme. This is a new role based in the Panos office in Zambia and the incumbent will be responsible for coordinating Panos' programme of global activities, including a series of high-profile editorial outputs and sharing the experiences gained by Panos with an international audience.


  • At least 7 years' international experience in the field of HIV/AIDS, with specific experience in the role of media and communication in a developing country context
  • At least 3 years' experience in a senior management position, with direct responsibility for people and budgets
  • Strong leadership skills and ability to provide direction, while accommodating a variety of viewpoints from the autonomous offices around the world
  • Proven networking and negotiating skills, experience of fundraising from international donors, and the ability to present complex arguments accessibly, galvanising support among a wide range of audiences
  • Fluency in English and, ideally, in at least one other relevant language.

For further information regarding the post and an application form: www.panosaids.org or contact Johanna Hanefeld on tel. + 260-1-263258 or via email at

Closing date for the applications is 11 February 2005 at 12pm GMT. Please note only candidates short-listed for interview will be contacted. Interviews will be held in Zambia the week of 4 April 2005.

2. Executive Secretary - Alliance of Mayors and Municipal Leaders on HIV/AIDS in Africa, Windhoek, Namibia

The Alliance of Mayors and Municipal Leaders on HIV/AIDS is an international NGO based in Windhoek, Namibia, and has been operational since 2002. National chapters of the Alliance have been launched in 12 countries in Africa, as of September 2004. Through its advocacy and capacity building efforts, the Alliance is promoting and supporting scaled-up and community- based responses to the epidemic at the local level.


  • Support the promotion and implementation of the approaches underpinning the goals of the Alliance and AMICAALL, in collaboration with key stakeholders at municipal, national, regional and global levels
  • Develop, execute and evaluate the Alliance's strategic and operational plans, projects and programmes
  • Ensure adequate financial resources for the operations of the Alliance
  • Manage the Secretariat
  • Provide support to the Coordinating Committee
  • Maintain communications with donors and the constituencies of the Alliance
  • Represent the Alliance at the appropriate national, regional and international fora
  • Collaborate with institutions and organisations involved in local governance and HIV/AIDS to enhance cohesion of efforts

For more information:


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