OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 31 mars 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 215, 7 January 2005

1. HIV/AIDS Advisor - Democratic Republic of Congo

The international aid organisation, GOAL, is looking for an experienced person to provide leadership, training and advice in relation to HIV/AIDS activities in the organisation's programmes in eastern DRC, and to enable GOAL DRC to mainstream HIV/AIDS internally and externally.


  • Relevant qualification (Health Promotion/Public Health/Nurse/Social Work) with at least 2 years of post graduation experience in country of origin
  • Minimum of 2 years' previous experience (preferably in Africa) implementing HIV/AIDS programmes
  • Excellent spoken and written English and the ability to work in either French or Swahili
  • Strong report and proposal-writing skills
  • Strong communication and team leadership skills
  • Ability to live and work in an isolated area and in conditions of limited comfort
  • Willingness to travel long distances as a passenger on a motorbike/quad
  • Ability to accept the possibility of insecurity in the project area


  • Establish a foundation for HIV/AIDS mainstreaming in GOAL DRC
  • Support the development of staff and programmes enabling an increased awareness of HIV/AIDS in the project communities
  • Undertake a situation analysis in Katanga, South Kivu and DRC in general
  • Identify and meet the training needs of GOAL, Health Centre staff and Community Educators
  • Monitor GOAL DRC's HIV/AIDS activities
  • Investigate possibilities of expanding activities to at-risk groups within the project areas
  • Contribute to the drafting of interim and final reports to donors and writing of assessments and proposals where required

The successful candidate will be required to undergo a three-month probationary period.

This Job Description only serves as a guide for the position available. Interviews will be held in Dublin, London, East Africa or DRC. GOAL cannot contribute to financial costs incurred when attending interviews.

Applications for this position should be sent to:

Job reference code: RW_28904S



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