OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 31 mars 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 214, 31 December 2004

1. Coordinator/Physician for HIV/AIDS care programme in Kenya

The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is one of the worlds leading medical research institutions.

UCSF seeks a dynamic, results-driven candidate for a Project Coordinator position based in Kisumu, Kenya. In collaboration with the Kenya Medical Research Institute, UCSF will operate an HIV/AIDS comprehensive care and training facility. USCF objectives will be to:

- Provide comprehensive care and support including the provision of antiretroviral therapy (ART) to research participants and their immediate family members;
- Develop and implement a model of Family HIV/AIDS care and education that is responsive to the needs of HIV affected populations in Kenya;
- Measure and evaluate the effectiveness of care, support and treatment;
- Develop local capacity and provide training to Kenyan health care professionals and lay persons in family AIDS care; and
- Provide ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the project.


  • Capacity building for local site, including supervision of building, training, etc.;
  • Coordinate the development and implementation of a model of family HIV/AIDS care and education;
  • Provide supervision and training for adult and paediatric HIV/AIDS care;
  • External relations as needed with donor, government, NGO, and other entities;
  • In-country personnel recruitment, training, and supervision;
  • Help develop research agenda in HIV/AIDS care.


  • A medical degree plus relevant post-graduate degree (MPH, PhD, MA, etc.) or equivalent experience;
  • Clinical training and expertise in HIV/AIDS care;
  • At least two years developing country work experience;
  • Experience in managing international health care programmes;
  • Experience in different cultural settings;
  • Significant personnel and financial management experience;
  • Knowledge of international development and reproductive health issues;
  • Familiarity with CDC and the international donor community.

Please send enquiries to Linda Wells ()



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