IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique | Documents
Samedi 7 janvier 2006
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 214, 31 December 2004

1. HIV/AIDS Case Studies on Ethiopia and Zambia

The Synergy Project case studies review programming models that demonstrate "good or promising practice" in the response to HIV/AIDS in resource poor settings. These case studies describe specific challenges addressed, the successes achieved, and the lessons learned in the process of implementing the models.

'Community, Care, Change, and Hope: Local Responses to HIV in Zambia' describes a model for community capacity building championed by the Salvation Army.

'Going to Scale in Ethiopia: Mobilizing Youth Participation in a National HIV/AIDS Programme' describes a model for building youth capacity to influence reproductive health policy and service design implemented by Family Health International.

Users are invited to download the electronic versions of all three and field workers in resource-poor settings or organisations with developing country field offices are invited to order limited print copies of the 2004 case studies:

2. New Materials on

The Kaiser Foundation has released new educational materials on These materials can be used to supplement classroom discussions, to link to them from websites, or for research purposes.

A Reference Library on Global AIDS concerns covers a wide range of topics, including financing of care, treatment, and prevention, recent epidemiological data, and the epidemic's impact on women, youth, and minorities around the world.

Also available is 'HIV/AIDS: The Basics'.

3. Exhibitions for HIV/AIDS conference

The National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) invites NGOs and other stakeholders to exhibit their activities during the 20th NIMR Annual Joint Scientific Conference, to be held in Arusha Tanzania, from 1 - 4 March 2005

The major theme for the conference is 'The burden of diseases in poor resource countries: meeting the challenges of combating HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria'.

Sub-themes include:
- Traditional Medicine and Practices: Potential opportunities
- Disease Surveillance and Health Information Systems
- Health Systems and Policy Research
- Health Education and its Promotion
- Nutrition and Health
- Ethics in health research in developing countries.

Exhibition materials may include publications on health subjects, laboratory equipment, pharmaceuticals, and other ethical products. Each exhibitor will be charged an exhibition fee of US $500. During the conference, exhibitors will be allocated a small space to display their products and other materials at the conference premises.

For more information:
Tel: +255 022 2 130770/2131864
Dr A Y Kitua
Director General/Chairman, Conference Organisation


Numéros spéciaux

CÔTE D IVOIRE: Ingéniosité et coopération : des clés pour prévenir le VIH en zone de conflit
AFRIQUE: De nouveaux médicaments contre le sida, vite !
AFRIQUE: “Nous négliger, c’est négliger une partie de la famille africaine” – MSM
AFRIQUE: Le préservatif, un objet de désir à la mode brésilienne
BURKINA FASO: Une extension des traitements à hauts risques

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