OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Lundi 29 août 2005
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 213, 24 December 2004

1. HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators

The HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database provides an easily accessible, comprehensive source of information on HIV/AIDS indicators derived from sample surveys. The database allows the user to produce country reports and tables for specific countries by background characteristics. The database now provides country reports by Emergency Plan, UNAIDS, and the UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS (UNGASS) indicators. The database is designed to be global in scope and will eventually cover all countries for which indicators are available.


2. Comprehensive Training Manual on ART Adherence Now Available

'Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Adults: A Guide for Trainers' was developed by the Horizons Programme/Population Council, International Centre for Reproductive Health, and the Coast Province General Hospital for the Antiretroviral Therapy Programme in Mombasa, Kenya.

The manual is designed for health workers, including physicians, clinical officers, and adherence nurse counsellors, who work in ART programmes and have received some training on antiretroviral medication. The manual consists of four modules, to be conducted over four sessions of approximately two hours each. The sessions can be conducted separately or as part of a comprehensive ART training programme.

Module 1 provides a background to adherence issues and is relevant for all health workers involved in ART service delivery. Modules 2, 3, and 4 focus on adherence management of patients on ART and are designed for adherence nurse counsellors, but physicians may also benefit from attending, particularly the Module 2 session.

The objective for each session is given at the beginning of each module. The methodology, materials required, expected duration of the session, and handouts are noted in the margin at the beginning of each exercise. Training handouts include patient materials, counselling checklists, pill charts and medication demonstration charts being used in the Mombasa ART programme.

To access the manual: www.popcouncil.org pdf Format

For those with limited web access, please contact for a hard copy.

3. Malaria Learning Resource

The Malaria Learning Resource (in English and French) is now available on the Impact Malaria website:


The resource has been designed to enable the learner to find out about malaria from different points of view, covers all aspects of the subject, and acts as a web portal to guide the learner towards other sources of information.

4. Media Handbook for HIV Vaccine Trials for Africa

The Media Handbook for HIV Vaccine Trials for Africa aims to equip scientists and researchers with ideas, skills and knowledge on how to relate to the media and thereby reach both the general public and specific target groups. It helps create a learning environment for the media to become better informed and, thus, disseminate important messages correctly and adequately to promote public goodwill and support. The Handbook is based on literature review, interviews and discussions with professionals who have to deal with the media to communicate serious issues to the general public on a daily basis. Each section of the handbook provides information on issues relating to HIV vaccine trials.

The topics are:

  1. The public perception of vaccine trials
  2. The structure of media organisations
  3. A day in the life of a journalist
  4. Identifying public partners
  5. A press conference
  6. Getting ready for the media

The resource is available at: www.who.int


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