OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 31 mars 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 209, 26 November 2004

1. Christian Aid Programme Manager - HIV/AIDS

Christian Aid is looking for an experienced person to manage a 5-year multimillion-dollar HIV/AIDS programme that was recently awarded to them.

Spanning four countries across Africa, the programme will focus on community-based care for orphans and vulnerable children.


  • Post-graduate qualification in public health, international development or related field
  • Minimum 8 years' experience in managing network and multi-partner development programmes
  • Strong finance skills, with extensive experience of managing international NGO programmes in Africa, preferably working in partnership with Africa NGOs.
  • Experienced in managing HIV/AIDS programmes and reporting to institutional donors
  • Experience of USAID reporting requirements highly desirable


  • Applicant will be expected to manage the HIV/AIDS programme, including the detailed work plan, budgets and activities, and provide strategic and operational leadership
  • Experienced, dynamic manager will lead, support and develop programmes that meet one of the biggest challenges the AIDS pandemic poses in Africa: orphans and vulnerable children


  • Tax-free basic salary
  • Final salary pension
  • Generous holidays
  • Accommodation
  • School fees and other relevant benefits

Applicants will be expected to undergo an enhanced disclosure check from the CRB, as this post has been identified as working with children and young people.

Closing date: Monday 22 November 2004
Interviews: To be agreed.
Job Reference: 979/OK

To receive an application form and further details please contact:
The Human Resources Dept
Christian Aid, PO Box 100
or visit: www.christian-aid.org.uk


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