OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Lundi 4 avril 2005
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 207, 12 November 2004

1. Cyber Dialogues on Women and Violence

Cyber dialogues are one of several initiatives that will be used to raise awareness and change behaviour as part of the Sixteen Days of Activism on Gender Violence. The Sixteen Days is the period from 25 November, the International Day of No Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day. This period is increasingly recognised in Southern Africa as an opportunity to conduct sustained campaigns against gender violence.

By using cyber dialogues, the campaign hopes to empower women in the use of new technologies, and encourage them to speak out against violence and abuse.

The cyber dialogues combine facilitated, interactive exchanges with a link to a central hub at national level, where experts and decision-makers will be available at a fixed time each day to answer questions in a live "chat room". The concept includes a bulletin board where individuals can post messages, a daily exchange of information between countries in Southern Africa, and a video link-up between all those who participate on the last day of the campaign.

Regional links are taking place through the Gender and Media Southern Africa (GEMSA) Network.

For more information:
Mothibi Mohomane -
Tel: +27 11 622 2877

2. Training Course on Ageing in Africa

HelpAge International will be holding a training course on ageing in Africa from 21 to 25 February 2005, in Nairobi, Kenya.

This five-day training course offers a broad, up-to-date understanding of the issues of ageing in Africa, and aims to provide participants with the skills to deliver better services to older people. The course is designed for mid-level or senior programme managers, social workers, healthcare professionals, senior government officers or planners, or those with an interest in ageing issues.

Key topics to be covered include: ageing and health; gender; HIV/AIDS; older people's rights; demographic situation and socioeconomic implications for Africa.

For further information:
HelpAge International
PO Box 14888
00800 Westlands
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 020 4444289/ 4446991/ 4449407
Fax: +254 020 4441052

3. Midwives taking the lead in peri-natal care

The fourth Annual Congress of the Society of Midwives of South Africa, hosted by the Gauteng Society of Midwives in association with the National Society of Midwives of South Africa, will take place between 30 November and 3 December 2004. The congress will be held at the University of the Witwatersrand, Education Campus, (JCE) Linder Auditorium, in Johannesburg, South Africa. It will focus on the need for midwives to take the lead in providing quality perinatal care. Crosscutting issues that affect the attainment of optimal health for women living in Africa, and particularly in South Africa, will be examined. Innovative approaches and best practices identified by healthcare professionals working in urban and rural communities will also be discussed.

Sessions will cover a wide range of topics, including: infant feeding; partners; neonatal care; HIV/AIDS (coinciding with World AIDS Day on 1 December 2004); interviewing and counselling skills; intrapartum care; clinical skills; and skills development.

For more information:
Email: or or visit www.midwives.rca.co.za


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SÉNÉGAL: Sortir de l’anonymat pour aider les femmes séropositives
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