OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Lundi 4 avril 2005
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 206, 5 November 2004

1. HIV/AIDS training for women journalists

The Carole Simpson Leadership Institute (CSLI) is offering women journalists the opportunity to build skills to become effective media managers and enhance their knowledge of reporting on HIV/AIDS. CSLI is sponsored by the International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) and will take place in Accra, Ghana, from 14 to 16 December 2004.

The three-day meeting will include training designed to develop career and life skills, and discussions about media issues. Another component of the programme will help journalists enhance their capacity to report on HIV/AIDS in an accurate and consistent way. The programme will be conducted in English.

Women journalists employed full-time in entry- to mid-level management in the English-speaking West African media are invited to apply. Consideration will also be given to applicants not currently working in management, but who have shown potential for leadership in the media. Applications must be received by 22 November 2004. Successful applicants will be notified by 29 November 2004.

Transportation, lodging and a reasonable allowance to cover meals and incidentals will be covered by the IWMF.

Since its inception, the IWMF has implemented five training programmes on HIV/AIDS reporting, including two Internet programmes in English and French and three radio training programmes for Southern African and Nigerian women broadcasters. More than 350 female and male journalists throughout Africa have participated in these programmes. In 2002 the IWMF received a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a project to enhance the quality and consistency of media coverage about HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa through responsible, accurate and relevant media messages. This project became known as Maisha Yetu, or 'Our Lives' in Swahili.

To apply, contact Gifti Nadi at email:
You may also fill out the application on the AWMC website at www.awmc.com

For more information:
Gifti Nadi
Africa project manager
International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF)
1625 K Street, Suite 1275
Washington, D.C. 20006

2. HIV Prevention in Maternal Health Services guide

The 'HIV Prevention in Maternal Health Services: Training Guide', published by the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and EngenderHealth, has been designed to use participatory learning techniques involving role plays, discussions, brainstorming, problem-solving and other forms of interactivity.

It can be used in a wide variety of cultural settings and recognises that gender inequality in many parts of the world is responsible for women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. The Guide integrates a philosophy of empowering women and promoting male involvement in reducing the social, gender, cultural and economic barriers to effective prevention, treatment and care of women and children in HIV/AIDS programmes.

www.engenderhealth.org pdf Format

3. John Hopkins HIV Guide

The Point of Care Information Technology Centre at Johns Hopkins University recently launched the Johns Hopkins HIV Guide.
The guide will serve as a treatment and clinical decision support tool for healthcare providers. More than 35 experts in HIV/AIDS care will produce and update the guide's database on newly developed therapies and treatment practices.



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