PlusNews Weekly Issue 205, 29 October 2004
1. HIV/AIDS and the World of Work symposium
The Southern Africa HIV/AIDS Information Dissemination Service (SAfAIDS) will be organising a regional symposium focusing on "Securing The Future for Southern Africa: Perspectives on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work" from 23-25 November 2004, at Hotel Safari in Windhoek, Namibia.
The symposium is aimed at providing a platform for sharing experiences and challenges in managing HIV/AIDS in the workplace as well as good practices in the corporate sector. It will also discuss critical issues around HIV/AIDS wellness management in the workplace. Parallel sessions will be conducted to allow participants to focus on their areas of interest. Participants will be expected to pay for their travel and accommodation. The organisers will provide meals for the participants.
About 100 participants are expected for the event. Space will be allocated on 'first come, first served' basis. No registration fees are required.
For a registration form and more information:
Lovelyn Chilundo, Tayedza Nleya, Ngoni Chibukire
Southern Africa HIV/AIDS Information Dissemination Service
Tel: +263 4 336194/3; 307898
Fax: +263 4 336195
Email: ; ;
2. Treatment Literacy Toolkit
SAfAIDS is in the process of developing an HIV/AIDS Treatment Literacy Toolkit targeting women (particularly peri-urban and rural). This toolkit will be designed for use by low-literacy communities throughout southern Africa, and will be available in English, Portuguese and vernacular languages. The publication will equip people, especially women living with or caring for someone with HIV/AIDS, with relevant and important information about antiretroviral therapy and other treatment-related issues.
SAfAIDS is looking for references and information on women and HIV/AIDS treatment, including any experiences, good practices, manuals, kits, community literacy materials and other resources that can contribute to effective up-take of the Toolkit.
For further information:
Rouzeh Eghtessadi Email:
3. 10th International Women and Health Meeting 2005
The 10th International Women and Health Meeting (IWHM) will be held between 21 and 25 September 2005 in New Delhi, India. The conference will aim to highlight political issues that are of significance to women's health, including: market liberalisation, fundamentalism of all kinds, and developmental models having a destructive impact on the environment. Linkages between all these areas and their impact on women's health will be explored, with an ultimate focus on the issue of women's health as a fundamental right.
Key themes will include: public health; health sector reforms and gender; reproductive and sexual health and rights; politics and resurgence of population control policies; women's rights and medical technologies; violence (state, military, family and development) and women's health. Call for Participation: The 10th IWHM Programme Committee invites write-ups for paper presentation, cultural events and workshops, relating to the conference theme and objectives.
The deadline for submissions is 1 December 2004.
For further information:
Manisha Gupte Email:
4. Family planning bulletin
Network Vol. 23, No.3 is now available online. This issue of Family Health International's (FHI) scientific bulletin focuses on the issue of integrating family planning and HIV services.
In most settings throughout the world, family planning services and HIV services have traditionally operated separately with little or no integration. Family planning services primarily target married women of reproductive age. HIV services primarily target individuals at high risk of HIV infection. Integrating family planning and HIV services can potentially maximize the use of existing services and minimize the number of people who do not obtain the healthcare they need. But much remains unknown about how best to integrate services and what impact such integration will have on reproductive health outcomes, such as preventing HIV infection and unintended pregnancy. This issue of Network is the first in a series of publications, supported by the US Agency for International Development, intended to encourage health professionals to ask questions or share their experiences in regard to service integration.
Read the full text of the publication on FHI's Web site or download a copy (PDF) at: www.fhi.org
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