OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 31 mars 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 199, 17 September 2004

1. HIV/AIDS Partnership Coordinator - South Africa, ActionAid

ActionAid International is a development agency working in over 30 countries of the world to eradicate poverty. www.actionaid.org

This position aims to promote, manage and coordinate institutionalised mechanisms that support the expansion and strengthening of civil society engagements. It aims at bringing on board the wider civil society organisations (CSO), anti-poverty and rights movements, resources and infrastructure beyond the traditional AIDS service organisations.


  • Report on analysis and recommendations of current constraints to accessing and using available resources
  • Strengthen CSO-based technical resources facility
  • Operational development of CSO engagement in WHO's '3x5' plan to treat 3 million people by 2005
  • CSO feedback report to NEPAD on constraints and gaps in achieving set goals in the fight against HIV/AIDS for October
  • Regional technical working groups on community capacity building and community treatment access
  • Annual work plans and achievement reports


  • Strong competencies and proven experience in CSO capacity building
  • Experiences in managing networks of development and HIV/AIDS CSO
  • Strong leadership, management and coordination skills, developed within a multi-disciplinary environment
  • Experience of working across international borders
  • Good communication and relationship building skills
  • University degree in medicine, social sciences or equivalent, with postgraduate qualification or work experience in development or public health fields
  • Proven track-record and work experience managing HIV/AIDS programmes of at least 3 years in a senior management position
  • In-depth knowledge of current debates and development approaches in the field of HIV/AIDS in Africa

Applications with relevant documents must state salary expectations equivalent in US$ and how soon the applicant will be ready to take on the new assignment.

The closing date is 24 September 2004.
Submit applications clearly marked: Application for HIV/AIDS Partnership Coordinator, to:
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.
Job reference code: RW_35010F


Numéros spéciaux

GUINÉE: Cinq fois plus de personnes devraient être mises sous ARV
SÉNÉGAL: «Je préfère sauver des travailleurs que de gagner un salaire»
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SÉNÉGAL: Sortir de l’anonymat pour aider les femmes séropositives
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