OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Dimanche 28 août 2005
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 198, 10 September 2004

1. Report on Conference for People Living with HIV/AIDS available

The report on the eleventh International Conference for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) is now available in PDF. The Conference took place in Kampala, Uganda, in October 2003, with the theme, "The Dawn of New Positive Leadership".

The report is intended to be a useful reference resource for those who did not attend the conference, but are actively involved in the PLWHA movement. To reduce the report to manageable size, it does not provide summaries of all sessions, but includes highlights of sessions with content and concrete outcomes that could be readily reproduced, and address the most pressing concerns of current and aspiring HIV-positive leaders.

Printed versions of the Kampala Conference report are also available. To order a free copy, contact GNP+ at:
To download the document, visit the conferences page on the GNP+ website: www.gnpplus/conferences.html

2. Combined Conference Event for People Living with HIV/AIDS

The "Living with HIV Partnership" announced this week that the twelfth International Conference for People Living with HIV/AIDS and the seventh International Conference on Home and Community Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS will take place under one banner and at one venue in November 2005, in Lima, Peru.

A new consortium of organisations committed to the empowerment, care and support of people living with HIV/AIDS and their communities has been launched. This group, the "Living with HIV Partnership", consists of GNP+, the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW), the International Council of AIDS Service Organisations (ICASO), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), UNAIDS and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The combined conference event will take place under the direction of the Peruvian National Coordination of People Living with HIV/AIDS and its national partners, including the Peruvian Ministry of Health. This will be the first global AIDS event to be held in the Andean region.

More information regarding the combined conference event will be posted regularly.
Contact: Rick Stephen Conference Coordinator (GNP+)

3. Ford Foundation Report Examines Search for Microbicides

The Ford Foundation Report (FFR), a quarterly magazine, in its Summer 2004 issue examines the use of microbicides as a method to give women the power to protect themselves from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Currently, 62 microbicide products are in development worldwide. Although microbicides may have limited effectiveness - the first available products are expected to have an efficacy rate of about 40 percent to 60 percent - they are "more promising than anything offered to date to limit the spread of HIV in the developing world," according to the FFR. Microbicides will not be publicly available for at least five years, largely because the pharmaceutical industry will not invest in their development.

4. HIV/AIDS Workplace guide for Managers

SMARTWork (Strategically Managing AIDS Responses Together in the Workplace), a programme by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), is working in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nigeria, Ukraine, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe to assist organisations to establish effective HIV/AIDS workplace policies and comprehensive programmes.

After extensive piloting in the six project countries, the AED has now released its Workplace Guide for Managers and Labour Leaders: HIV/AIDS Policies and Programmes, and is available on their website: www.smartwork.org. The Workplace Guide provides a thorough, step-by-step approach to help workplaces respond effectively. Although it is currently available only in English, it will soon be available in Spanish, French, Russian, and Vietnamese.

The Workplace Guide describes how to create an HIV/AIDS workplace policy and programme with the full involvement of both business and labour representatives. There are also many other tools and resources available on the SMARTWork website, including sample workplace posters and educational materials, company policies and country studies.

5. New Study on Media Health Coverage

"Deadline for Health: The Media's Response to Covering HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria in Africa" looks at the African media's response to covering these health issues and also examines the challenges the African media face in covering them. It is available online at: www.awmc.com


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