OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 185, 11 June 2004

1. Gender Training on Policy and HIV/AIDS (24 June - 4 July 2004)

A two-week, eight module course on Gender Training on Policy and HIV/AIDS will take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, with the aim of enhancing the capacities of senior-level actors, policy-makers and managers working on gender and policy issues relating to HIV/AIDS in the region.

The course will consist of familiarising participants with key gender policy concepts and sharing information and experiences on HIV issues.

For more information contact:
Beatrice Hezekiel

Tel: 255-22-2443205, 2443450
Fax: 255-22-2443244

2. Call for papers for New Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS

The Journal publishes contributions in English and French in all fields of the social aspects of HIV/AIDS. While the emphasis is on empirical research, the Journal also accepts theoretical and methodological papers and review articles, which should not be longer than 3,000 words, as well as short communications and letters. Priority is given to articles relevant to Africa and the developing world that address social issues related to HIV and AIDS.

Submissions will be considered on the understanding that they comprise original unpublished material and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and the study(ies) on which they are based have been subject to appropriate ethical review.

All submissions may be subject to initial assessment by the editor or appropriate editorial board members, to determine their suitability for consideration by the Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS. Papers accepted for formal review will be sent anonymously to at least two independent referees.

Short biographic details of not more than 10 lines should be provided on acceptance of the paper for publication.

Authors are requested to submit their original manuscript and figures with two copies and a matching disc to:

The Editor
Prof Karl Peltzer
Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Health
Human Sciences Research Council
Private Bag X9182
Cape Town 8000, South Africa

Manuscripts can also be submitted by e-mail. Please create one folder (with the name of the corresponding author) for all word and figure files and e-mail this to: The Editor

3. Musicians should deliver quality HIV/AIDS information

Because music is a popular form of expression and a universal language that reaches millions of people every day, popular singers have the potential to reach communities with health messages that can be understood by them, says Tawanda Chisango, a member of the Media Unit at SAfAIDS.

Musicians who sing songs about HIV and AIDS should deliver quality information that is not only correct but sensitive to people living with HIV and AIDS and respects and recognises the inalienable human rights that they are entitled to, including human dignity.

Unfortunately they have been shown to be implicated in the production and circulation of negative HIV and AIDS images and this trend should be reversed with songs that succeed in communicating positive messages.

Read more from Tawanda Chisango by emailing:

4. Generic AIDS Drugs - Ask the Experts, Live Webcast

Millions of people living with HIV/AIDS around the world have little or no access to antiretroviral therapy to treat HIV. Lower-cost drugs, including generics, would stretch existing resources further, though debate continues over their distribution.

The World Health Organisation uses a pre-qualification process with standards for safety and efficacy. The US has just announced plans for a new fast-track review programme by the US Food and Drug Administration to speed the global delivery of less expensive medications, including generic and brand-name fixed dose combinations.

Readers are invited to watch kaisernetwork.org's upcoming "Ask the Experts", on which panelists will answer questions and discuss the issue of generic anti-AIDS drugs.

Send your questions for the panelists to:

and watch the live webcast Wednesday, 16 June at 3:00 pm ET on:


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