OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 31 mars 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 184, 4 June 2004

1. Deputy Program Director (Programming Team Coordinator)

Catholic Relief Services, the lead agency of a five-member Consortium, was recently awarded a five-year, $335 million HIV/AIDS Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) project from the Presidential AIDS initiative. As the lead agency, CRS is responsible for overall management, coordination and reporting on financial and programmatic activities of five consortium members operating in nine countries (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, South Africa, Nigeria, Haiti and Guyana.)

A key component of the Consortium management structure is the centralized Programming Team -- comprised of members from each Consortium partner - which leads the development of strategies and implementation protocols and provides the technical assistance required to establish sustainable ART programs in the targeted countries. The Year 1 target for the project is 14,900 new patients on ART.


  • To coordinate the efforts of Programming Team members to ensure effective programming strategies and implementation plans are developed and implemented to achieve project goals. These strategies and plans should:
    • Maximize the respective assets of all of the Consortium members;
    • Foster collaboration and team work among Consortium members at all levels;
    • Ensure sufficient program guidance, communication and technical assistance is available and provided at all levels of the Consortium;
    • Strengthen the capacity of CRS and the Consortium's local partners to provide sustainable ART;
    • Support the decentralization of programmatic decision-making.
  • Within program management, administration, communication:
    1. Participate in strategic goal setting, problem solving, and decision-making of overall program implementation.
    2. Provide leadership within the Programming Team for the development of implementation strategies and detailed implementation plans for:
    1. Site assessment and work plan development
    2. Start-up and ongoing training and technical assistance in all components of a successful ART strategy (i.e.. community capacity building, VCT, medical record keeping and M&E, ART protocols and treatment plans, adherence, treatment of OI's, etc.)
    3. Develop a framework that facilitates and enables a Team working model such that roles and responsibilities of, and lines of communication for, each organization and individual members of the Programming Team are clearly defined.
    4. Develop and create communications and reporting mechanisms that ensure all levels of the Consortium are apprised of programmatic issues and progress.
    5. Develop internal Consortium information systems that facilitate and monitor programmatic progress at the country level.
    6. Assist in the development of guidelines and structures for both CRS and Consortium country and regional level management.
    7. Ensure coordination of multiple Consortium data collection processes and provide analysis to support programmatic decision-making.
    8. Represent the CRS Consortium and ART project, as requested, with the media, government(s), donors, CRS Executives, and at conferences and in other forums.
    9. Hire and manage CRS staff in HQ that support administrative, medical and non-medical aspects of programming. Assist with recruitment of key staff for overseas positions.
  • Within program technical support
    1. Provide information/guidance to the Consortium on emerging aspects of [non-medical] anti-retroviral therapy, such as community mobilization, VCT, and adherence strategies, and support and coordinate the development of innovative strategies in these areas.
    2. Ensure technical information provided by IHV and the Futures Group is equally proliferated within the Consortium.
    3. Provide administrative, technical and analytical support in identification of [non-medical] ART best practices, such as VCT, community participation and mobilization, barrier to care reduction, treatment and care adherence.
    4. Provide administrative, technical and analytical support to identify and enable expansion of new community-based ART treatment models.
    5. Work with the M&E technical team (staffed by Futures Group) and the Medical Technical Team (staffed by IHV and CMMB) to develop and support mechanisms that monitor progress toward building sustainable ART country strategies
    6. Work with the Procurement team (staffed by IMA) to develop and monitor sustainable ART country drug management systems that ensure routine and timely delivery of drugs, appropriate drug management mechanism at all points of service, and build on and expand the capacity of the existing in-country drug procurement/management system.
    7. Work with all Technical Team members and in-country offices to develop and implement strategies to build the capacity of national faith-based health service providers to meaningfully contribute to their national ART targets.
    8. Identify opportunities for synergistic collaboration between the Consortium ART program and the other Consortium member agencies HIV/AIDS related activities at regional and country level.


  • Masters Degree or higher in relevant health field, MD preferred
  • Ten years or more years experience in International Health, HIV/AIDS or related field
  • Strong organizational, analytical and information management skills
  • Excellent written communication skills
  • Significant experience and knowledge of HIV/AIDS in resource limited settings.

NOTE: All interested applicants must be authorized to work in the U.S. at the time of application.

Dawn Sheckells
Recruitment Specialist
In the US, toll-free 1-800-235-2772 ext. 7451

2. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: HIV/AIDS

The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: HIV/AIDS has the primary technical responsibility for the design and operation of an integrated monitoring and evaluation system for the countries involved in the USAID grant for youth abstinence education. The Specialist will travel largely to areas that are politically stable?this is not a relief but a development role.


  • Establish and assure implementation of an integrated monitoring and evaluation system for the Mobilizing Youth for Life grant within the context of the overall M&E of World Relief's HIV/AIDS and MCH programs
  • Train the staff of the projects in Haiti, Kenya, Rwanda and Mozambique in the operation of the system and develop M&E technical capabilities in the regional (hub) offices
  • Maintain close communication with the USAID M&E staff assigned to supervise the project and remain informed of new developments in M&E through participation in forums with international and sister agencies
  • Assure the fit of the M&E system for the MYFL project with the other health programs in each country of the project; technically inform the M&E systems of the health sector
  • Design and implement operations research when appropriate; prepare oral and written publications for publication and presentation in professional conferences and journals
  • Provide direction to the M&E quality assurance team within World Relief comprised of other health technical and program staff
  • Assist the Director of HIV/AIDS Programs for Africa in providing direction to the Haiti MYFL program


  • A graduate degree in public health or a closely related field and have at least five years of experience in monitoring and evaluation of programs within an international setting
  • Skilled in quantitative and qualitative research and analysis and experienced in the use of statistical software (EPI-Info, SASS, SPSS, etc.)
  • Fluency in one of the languages of the project other than English (French, Creole, Portuguese) is desired but not essential
  • Able to practically field various M&E approaches that fit well with the program scope and objectives, host culture, and level of human and financial resources
  • Able to work as a part of a multifaceted technical and management team and be able to train program staff at several levels of sophistication
  • Able to cope with the stress of international travel: expect to travel at least one-third of the time to urban and rural areas of the developing world, especially Africa.

Apply at: www.wr.org

By: June 30, 2004

3. Senior HIV/AIDS Specialists - Global

The Academy for Educational Development (http://www.aed.org/), an independent, nonprofit organization committed to solving critical social problems in the US and throughout the world, is seeking international consultants interested in both long and short term work with skills and experience in HIV/AIDS for the AED's Center on AIDS and Community Health (COACH).


Experience in:
  • Target populations such as youth, women, PLWHA, MSM, OVC, CSW, military, IDUs, and/or prisoners;
  • The Care Continuum of prevention, testing, care & support, and treatment
  • The ABC approach to prevention
  • Workplace interventions
  • Anti-stigma and Discrimination
  • HIV/AIDS and education (e.g. life skills and integrated curriculums)
  • Behavior change communications (BCC)
  • Policy/advocacy including legal frameworks and defense of human rights
  • Service delivery - STI, VCT, PMTCT, ARV, HIV/AIDS and TB
  • Research - formative and operations
  • Participatory Planning
  • Community Mobilisation
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
Selected candidates will be required to perform assignments in one or more of the following areas:
  • Needs assessment
  • Planning including government/community strategy
  • Monitoring of results and evaluation of effectiveness
  • Training
  • Technical assistance


  • Qualifications include five or more years experience implementing or managing HIV/AIDS projects
  • Relevant degree(s)
  • Familiarity with donor funded projects, and developing country experience
  • Foreign language proficiency is highly desirable

Submit a cover letter, resume (including countries and technical areas of expertise) and schedule of availability to: with the subject reference: STAGE IQC.

For additional information: www.aed.org and www.healthstrategies.org
Cite job reference code: RW_12595E



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