OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Mercredi 24 août 2005
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 183, 28 May 2004

1. Training Course: Advances in Behaviour Change Communication for HIV/AIDS

The Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) will host this training course in Nairobi, Kenya, from 19 July to 6 August 2004. The intensive 3-week learning opportunity for programme managers, health educators, programme officers and donor agency field staff will be facilitated by international behaviour change communication experts. Participants will explore and understand the elements of effective behaviour change communication for HIV/AIDS programmes, with particular emphasis on how to motivate people to initiate and sustain behaviour change.

Participants in this course learn to:
  • Analyse the underlying factors of behaviour and behaviour change
  • Appreciate the logic and principles of behaviour change communication interventions
  • Listen to the audience to identify motivators and hindrances to behaviour change
  • Think strategically in designing effective behaviour change communication interventions for HIV and AIDS programmes that respond to people's needs and concerns
  • Follow internationally recognised and tested methodologies and approaches to build behaviour change communication programmes systematically
  • Develop targeted messages and materials that promote behaviour change
  • Pre-test and adapt messages and materials to meet and address different target audiences
  • Evaluate behaviour change communication programmes to improve performance

For more information: www.cafs.org

2. HIV/AIDS media resource centre available for Kenyan journalists

A newly established media resource centre in Nairobi offers Kenyan journalists information they can use in their coverage of HIV and AIDS issues. Internews opened the centre to help the media inform the public about prevention and treatment. The centre also is based on the idea that journalists can help decrease the stigma and discrimination associated with people living with HIV and AIDS.

The Internews facility in Nairobi has five computers with high-speed Internet access and digital editing programmes for producing radio shows. The centre also houses more than 2,000 publications on HIV and AIDS, and an electronic database to help journalists search for the publications they want. The centre is open to journalists at no charge.

For more information, contact Internews Kenya advisor Mia Malan at or visit www.internews.org

For information on the Internews HIV/AIDS project in Kenya and Nigeria: www.internews.org


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