PlusNews Weekly Issue 180, 7 May 2004
AIDSDATA.org is planning the release of an online national database of current HIV/AIDS projects, programmes and activities in South Africa. All organisations that currently support and/or have recently implemented HIV/AIDS-related projects, programmes or activities are urged to submit their details for inclusion in the database.
The database will also include activities by donor agencies, philanthropic agencies, government departments, the private sector, and non-governmental, community-based and faith-based organisations. It aims to provide government and donors with information on current HIV/AIDS-related activities in South Africa that can assist in improving planning, so as to optimise resource allocations in support of the national response to HIV/AIDS.
This is an ideal opportunity for organisations active in the HIV/AIDS sphere to disseminate information regarding their projects, programmes and activities, to mobilise support and identify future collaborators.
Currently, no single existing database or directory of HIV/AIDS organisations represents an all-inclusive picture of the activities, projects and programmes performed by these organisations.
To submit details of your organisation:
2. 12th International Drug Resistance Workshop
Abstracts from the 12th International Drug Resistance Workshop held in Cabo del Sol, Los Cabos, Mexico, from 10 to 14 June 2003, are now available online. Researchers caution that the information is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between patients and their doctors.
To access the abstracts:
3. HIV/AIDS and Humanitarian Action
In its latest report the Overseas Development Institute examines the implications of HIV/AIDS in our understanding of crises and the role of humanitarian action, in terms of the impact of HIV/AIDS as a health crisis, HIV/AIDS as increasing underlying vulnerability and adding to the impact of other shocks, and as one of many factors contributing to long-term and chronic food insecurity, poverty and destitution.
The report seeks to provide guidance to aid agencies dealing with the HIV/AIDS pandemic and draws particularly on the response in Southern Africa in 2002 and 2003.
To view the full report:
4. Infection Prevention: A Reference Booklet for Health Care Providers
Health care workers are in the front line in protecting themselves and their clients from infectious diseases that may be transmitted during the provision of clinical services. Health care staff can now perform safe and simple procedures to minimise risk and the spread of infections.
Infection Prevention: A Reference Booklet for Health Care Providers, available in English, French and Spanish, is a quick reference on important infection prevention topics: hand-washing, gloving, aseptic technique, use and disposal of sharps, instrument-processing, housekeeping and waste disposal.
Designed for use by a wide range of health care workers in low-resource settings, this comprehensive booklet introduces the importance of good infection prevention practices and provides step-by-step instructions for performing critical procedures.
To view or download the booklet:
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