OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 31 mars 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 178, 23 April 2004

1. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: HIV/AIDS - Baltimore, MD

The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: HIV/AIDS has the primary technical responsibility for the design and operation of an integrated monitoring and evaluation system for the countries involved in the USAID grant for youth abstinence education.


  • Establish and assure implementation of an integrated monitoring and evaluation system for the Mobilising Youth for Life grant within the context of the overall M&E of World Relief's HIV/AIDS and MCH programmes.
  • Train the staff of the projects in Haiti, Kenya, Rwanda and Mozambique in the operation of the system and develop M&E technical capabilities in the regional (hub) offices.
  • Maintain close communication with the USAID M&E staff assigned to supervise the project and remain informed of new developments in M&E through participation in forums with international and sister agencies.
  • Assure the fit of the M&E system for the MYFL project with the other health programmes in each country of the project. Technically inform the M&E systems of the health sector.
  • Design and implement operations research when appropriate, prepare oral and written publications for publication and presentation in professional conferences and journals.
  • Provide direction to the M&E quality assurance team within World Relief comprised of other health technical and programme staff.
  • To assist the Director of HIV/AIDS Programmes for Africa in providing direction to the Haiti MYFL programme.


  • A graduate degree in public health or a closely related field.
  • At least five years of experience in monitoring and evaluation of programmes within an international setting.
  • Skilled in quantitative and qualitative research and analysis and experienced in the use of statistical software (EPI-Info, SASS, SPSS, etc.)
  • Fluency in one of the languages of the project other than English (French, Creole, Portuguese) is desired but not essential.

Apply by: June 30, 2004

For more information or to apply: www.wr.org



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